Making Career Development Core Business By Prof. Richard Sweet And Prof. Tony Watts
This study, published in December 2010, was commissioned by the Departments of Education and of Business and Innovation of the State of Victoria, Australia. Victoria has a population of 5.5 million inhabitants living mainly in urban areas.
The focus of the study was the effectiveness of career guidance provision for young people in secondary schools and in VET and ACE settings. Existing career development programmes and provision were reviewed and state, national and international best practice drawn on.
Recommendations for improvements include: career guidance in the curriculum, school management of career guidance provision, the leadership role of the Department of Education, strategic support for career guidance in VET and ACE settings, external services support, school education region support, State-wide coordination in this field, cooperation and coordination between agencies that assist the career development of youth at risk, and support for families.
The full list of contributors to this review were: Professor Richard Sweet, Dr Veronica Volkoff, Professor A.G. Watts, Sue Helme, Dr Suzanne Rice, Professor Jack Keating, Sujatha Pannell.