The National Guidance Forum of Germany aims to promote the professional delivery of guidance in education, vocational training and employment sectors in Germany, to give stimulation for the (further)development of guidance services which meet the different needs of the users, to develop guidelines for quality and quality assurance of services and practices, and to influence all partners to implementing these.The nfb is a non-governmental body and network that includes representatives of institutions and organisations e.g. undertaking research on guidance practice and providing training for guidance practitioners, governmental authorities and non-governmental agencies dealing with or offering or financing guidance and counselling services, and organisations of users of guidance services.The main changes effected in policies, structures, and services since the previous issue (2014) of this publication include:
1. The public employment service (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) has introduced an extended career guidance service especially for employed adults. The system is called “Lifelong Career Guidance” (Lebensbegleitende Berufsberatung – LBB) and is focussed on career guidance during working life. They have specially trained guidance counsellors for this service.
2. The German Government (2019) started the “National Skills Strategy” focussed on more and better services for further education and training and related guidance services as the legal task of the public employment service but also by other providers like municipalities and private providers. The reasons for this is the shortage of skilled labour, demographic change, and an aging society.
3. In the course of the National Skills Strategy and enforced by the Pandemic, online career guidance services have been intensified.