In many countries, Entrepreneurship as a career option is often a marginalised choice because the general curricula of education and training at all levels pay little attention to the knowledge, skills and attitudes involved in entrepreneurship. This is often reinforced by careers information systems that emphasise employment over self-employment.
Likewise, entrepreneurship education, and as a career choice, tends to gain political and policy importance in times of unemployment, especially youth unemployment, and is sometimes promoted as the panacea, whereas in fact it has its rightful place in education and training policies at anytime.
Entrepreneurship Education: A Road to Success: entrepreneurship-education-a-road-to-success-ec-2015 is a European Commission publication (2015) that provides evidence through examples of the impact of entrepreneurship education and is important reading for policy developers interested in this field.
A Report published by CEDEFOP: Guidance Supporting Europe’s Aspiring Entrepreneurs examines links between career guidance provision and entrepreneurship.