Enhancing Choice: The Role Of Technology In The Career Support Market (December 2010)
This report produced for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills addresses how technology is reshaping the career support market and the implications of this for policy makers and for the funding and delivery of services. The career support market is defined as the conceptual space within which individuals who desire career support transact with those who provide it. Technology contributes not only to increasing consumer choice and to improving the cost-effectiveness of services; it has also led to the development of new service paradigms, especially through social media applications. It has changed how career support is being experienced by individuals and how the support services are managed, delivered and taken up.
The report describes different styles of government intervention in the career support market involving the use of technology, including some international comparisons, and the business models that underpin the market. It provides some conclusions on the role of the government in the market in general, and its roles in ensuring more creative and strategic use of the opportunities provided by technology.