Category: Training and qualifications


Canada is one of many countries where the career guidance sector is unregulated and not organized at a national level, with no universal application of consistent job titles, sector member definitions, or sector data tracking systems. Policymakers, employers, and the public know very little about the sector. Provincial and territorial ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


Noloc, together with Euroguidance and the Open University, is organizing the 45th global IAEVG conference from 28 to 30 June 2023 in the World Forum in The Hague, Netherlands. The theme is 'Lifelong development as a standard'. We are very happy to welcome you to the International IAEVG conference. Lifelong development ... Read More
April 15, 2023John McCarthy


In 2009, CEDEFOP undertook landmark research Professionalising Career Guidance into the roles of career practitioners in EU Member States and into their initial and continuing training and qualifications. Based on the research findings, CEDEFOP proposed a competence framework for career practitioners while recognising that career practitioner roles were not homogenous between ... Read More
June 24, 2022John McCarthy


This succinct and comprehensive Briefing Note draws attention to the importance of career practitioner professionalism in career guidance delivery, to the need to continually redefine practitioner competences and occupational profiles in response to societal and technological changes, and consequently the need for continuing government investment in re-skilling and up-skilling of practitioners ... Read More
June 24, 2022John McCarthy


This handbook seeks to provide a state-of-the-art reference point for the field of career development. The handbook is divided into three sections. The first section explores the economic, educational, and public policy contexts within which careers are enacted. The second section explores the rich conceptual landscape of career theory. The ... Read More
June 15, 2021John McCarthy


The conference organisers are inviting submissions – by 14 July 2021 - from practitioners and researchers on how schools and communities can best prepare young people to succeed in work.For further details, please see the Call for Papers for practitioners and researchers.To submit a practice paper, sign up here and for submitting a research paper, please sign up here.Proposals ... Read More
June 12, 2021John McCarthy




TEENAGERS' CAREER ASPIRATIONS (2018) AND THE FUTURE OF WORK The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) measures the abilities of 15 year old school students to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to confront real-life challenges. Its results provide useful insights to governments in participating countries and ... Read More
March 13, 2020John McCarthy


Four international organisations, OECD, ILO, UNESCO, and the European Commission, and two agencies (ETF, CEDEFOP) of one of these (European Commission) have just issued a first joint statement encouraging governments to invest in career guidance. The 12-page document describes career guidance, its importance for young people and adults in the present ... Read More
January 9, 2020John McCarthy


Realizar una reforma integral de la orientación y ofrecer intervenciones a lo largo y ancho de la vida con perspectiva de género son algunas de las propuestas que comparten tanto el Ministerio como expertos en la materia
December 19, 2019John McCarthy


Leading career development services into an uncertain future: Ensuring access, integration and innovation The symposium of 2019, organised by Kompetanse Norge/Skills Norway, an agency of the Ministry of Education, will focus on exploring how the world in which individuals are pursuing their careers is changing and how people across the world ... Read More
September 26, 2018John McCarthy


This 2004 review covered 7 countries: Chile, Russia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey. The study sought to: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective policies in career guidance and counseling; to identify emerging examples of best practice, and suggest ... Read More
November 13, 2017John McCarthy


Dear Readers Most of you did not have the opportunity to attend the International Symposium in Seoul, Korea, in June 2017. Just to recall the theme and subthemes: Theme: Career Development: At the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact Subtheme 1: Understanding How Work Opportunities are Changing Subtheme 2: Ensuring that the Content and Delivery of Career ... Read More
July 5, 2017John McCarthy


The German BeQu-Concept – now available in English "Quality development in career guidance and counselling is an essential issue in lifelong guidance policy and systems development. Very few countries have statutory or binding quality standards and compulsory requirements for the qualification and competences of guidance and counselling professionals. With the funding ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


See you all in Seoul! Please get on board our journey to Career Development: at the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact. The 8th ICCDPP International Symposium 2017 will be held in Seoul, Korea on 18 ~ 21 June 2017. Your country is most welcome to join us and share your thoughts and experiences ... Read More
September 22, 2016John McCarthy


There are several higher education institutions in Ireland that provide training programmes for guidance practitioners, particularly for practitioners who work in schools and in the national adult educational guidance initiative. Such practitioners are employed through public funding from the Department of Education and Skills. In order to bring some coherence ... Read More
March 15, 2016John McCarthy


These EU Guidelines, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) provide an agreed reference framework on policies and systems for lifelong guidance across EU Member States. They aim to assist policy makers and policy developers to reflect in a systematic way on existing career guidance services and programmes ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This 2011 publication by the Equality and Human Rights Commission looked at how equality and diversity policy issues were being treated in practice by careers services and schools in England. The Research Report examines: Young people’s attainment, choices and participation The role and influence of careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) Policy on CEIAG ... Read More
September 10, 2015John McCarthy


Analytical paper European reference competence profile for PES and EURES counsellors (2014) (6) The role and function of the public employment services (PES) in EU Member States is in continuous development particularly in the context of the EU Employment Guidelines and of the role of the PES in achieving the goals ... Read More
January 10, 2015John McCarthy


This is a Report of a Working Group established by the Scottish Government to examine current practice and propose future strategic directions for the development of the career guidance workforce in Scotland. Published in July 2012, it describes role profiles in the guidance workforce and the types of qualifications that ... Read More
September 23, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This Green Paper published by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in June 2012 proposes a way forward for a National Career Development Strategy for Australia. The Green Paper has been informed by extensive discussions with key stakeholders and by a number of national research projects. The Australian Government recognises ... Read More
September 20, 2012Tibor Kovacs


Ce document etait préparé pour l’examen des politiques en faveur des services d’information, d’orientation et de conseil a la demande de la Commission européenne et de l’OCDE et publie en 2002. Il présente une analyse comparative des qualifications et des formations des conseillers d’orientation, afin de faire apparaître les problèmes qui ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This 2009 report, commissioned by CEDEFOP, presents the findings from a Europe-wide study with the following aims: to review trends and patterns in training provision for career guidance practitioners; to develop a common competence framework for career guidance practitioners in the European Union (EU). Sections 1 to 4 review current training and qualification systems ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs


Im vorliegenden Bericht werden die Ergebnisse einer europaweiten Studie vorgestellt, die zwei Ziele verfolgte: Erfassung von Trends und Mustern in der Ausbildung von Laufbahnberatern; Erarbeitung eines gemeinsamen Kompetenzrahmens für Laufbahnberater in der Europäischen Union (EU). Die Abschnitte 1 bis 4 haben vorhandene Ausbildungs- und Qualifikationssysteme für Laufbahnberater in Europa zum Gegenstand. Untersucht werden die im ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This article written by Tibor Bors Borbely provides the background to the present offer of guidance services in compulsory education and vocational education and training in Hungary. It describes the challenges facing the system and current developments. Read more
May 12, 2009Tibor Kovacs


In 2002 at the request of the European Commission, the ETF began information on policies for career guidance in 11 countries in the process of accession or who had candidate status to entry to the European Union. This is the first synthesis report produced by the ETF. The data collected focused ... Read More
February 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


An examination of policies for career guidance was one component of a European Union programme (MEDA-ETE) being implemented by the European Training Foundation to support education and training for employment in the Mediterranean region. It involved 10 Mediterranean countries. The research on career guidance policies produced country reports on which ... Read More
February 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This joint publication of  the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) in Scotland and of Careers Scotland was produced after extensive consultation with key stakeholders such as Qualification in Career Guidance (QCG) course centres, professional bodies and associations, and potential employing organisations. The Subject Statement represents general expectations about ... Read More
November 14, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This Competency Framework for Guidance Practitioners, developed by a sub-committee of the National Guidance Forum, is designed to inform the trainers and training of guidance practioners in order to provide practitioners with the competences to assist citizens to acquire the knowledge, skills and competences to manage their learning and work (see National Lifelong Guidance ... Read More
October 15, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This expert paper was jointly commissioned by the OECD and the European Commission in 2001 as part of the OECD international review of policies for career guidance. It raises many questions on the existing training routes, on the pertinence of course content and methodology, on the lack of involvement and interest ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs