Category: Funding career guidance


This excellent Powerpoint presentation by Ms Nozuko Mfenyana, Project Manager, Career Development Services Systems Coordination, Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), at the recent NICDS Policy Dialogue, describes the challenges of implementing government career guidance policy in South Africa. Policy, strategy, systems, and practice are key components of career guidance ... Read More
June 27, 2024John McCarthy


ENGLAND: JULY 2023 Career guidance has a century long rich history and tradition of theory and practice innovation in England.  The consistency of such developments over time stands in stark contrast to its value and interest to policy makers and developers which fluctuate constantly in government policies for education, training, and ... Read More
July 22, 2023John McCarthy


JOINT STATEMENT OF IAG (2023) This welcome statement from seven relevant international organisations (OECD, WB, EC, CEDEFOP, ETF, ILO, UNESCO) sets out the benefits to workers, employers, economies, and societies of investing in career guidance provision for workers. Using an ILO definition of worker, it categorises workers into several groups: formally employed, ... Read More
July 20, 2023John McCarthy


تملك فنلندا واحداً من أفضل موارد أنظمة التوجيه المهني المدرسي حول العالم، حيث يُعتبر التعليم المهني جزءاً متكاملاً وإلزامياً من المنهج المدرسي، وتبلغ نسبة الطالب الى ممارس توجيه مهني المدرسي 350:1. بالتالي، من الطبيعي ان تملك مؤسسات التعليم العالي والمستمر في فنلندا (بما في ذلك التعليم والتدريب التقني والمهني TVET) معدلات ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


TRANSFORMING CAREERS SUPPORT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Northern Ireland, with a population of 1.9 million is located on the island of Ireland and forms an integral political part "home country" of the United Kingdom for over 100 years. It also currently benefits from being part of the EU's Single Market, ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


This handbook seeks to provide a state-of-the-art reference point for the field of career development. The handbook is divided into three sections. The first section explores the economic, educational, and public policy contexts within which careers are enacted. The second section explores the rich conceptual landscape of career theory. The ... Read More
June 15, 2021John McCarthy


March 15, 2021John McCarthy


March 15, 2021John McCarthy


THE FOLLOWING LINK WILL BRING YOU TO the webinar page where you can register to participate in the webinar!
February 16, 2021John McCarthy


JOINT RESEARCH REPORT: ICCDPP, OECD, UNESCO, ILO, EC, CEDEFOP, ETF  This report, recently published through CEDEFOP, captures changes in career guidance policies, systems and practices arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, as observed across 93 countries globally between the end of June and the beginning of August 2020.The research findings show that career ... Read More
January 5, 2021John McCarthy


Data-driven guidance: new OECD work on teenage indicators of career readiness As the healthcare emergency becomes an employment crisis, it is more timely than ever to reflect on the effectiveness of career guidance interventions and ask what works and why.  This week the OECD publishes a new working paper and launches new ... Read More
December 18, 2020John McCarthy


CEDEFOP has just launched a call for papers for a reference publication on the monitoring and evaluation of career guidance systems and services for adults, entitled ‘Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services’ which can be downloaded here: Contributions will be used for developing a ... Read More
December 14, 2020John McCarthy


UNESCO, ILO, OECD, EUROPEAN COMMISSION, CEDEFOP, AND ETF have combined with ICCDPP to carry out an international survey of the effects of COVID-19 on the provision of career guidance. The pandemic is already having (and will continue to have over the next five years) significant impact on the transitions of ... Read More
June 14, 2020John McCarthy


Four international organisations, OECD, ILO, UNESCO, and the European Commission, and two agencies (ETF, CEDEFOP) of one of these (European Commission) have just issued a first joint statement encouraging governments to invest in career guidance. The 12-page document describes career guidance, its importance for young people and adults in the present ... Read More
January 9, 2020John McCarthy


Very interesting policy implementation evaluation study by CEREQ, a French research agency of the ministries of education and employment. The study examines the effects of the devolution of responsibility for career guidance to the regions, in particular the offer and legal entitlement of adults to career counselling. Factors such ... Read More
December 1, 2019John McCarthy


Dedicar fondos públicos a unos buenos servicios de orientación académica y profesional para los jóvenes reduce el abandono escolar, afirma en entrevista John McCarthy, director del International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy. Lea la entrevista completa.
February 26, 2019John McCarthy


Leading career development services into an uncertain future: Ensuring access, integration and innovation The symposium of 2019, organised by Kompetanse Norge/Skills Norway, an agency of the Ministry of Education, will focus on exploring how the world in which individuals are pursuing their careers is changing and how people across the world ... Read More
September 26, 2018John McCarthy


Australia, like many countries, struggles to have a national career system that is modern, fit for purpose, of quality, and provides equality of career support for all citizens, regardless of where in Australia they live. In 2017, the Department of Education and Training engaged a management consultancy firm to research ... Read More
June 26, 2018John McCarthy


This 2004 review covered 7 countries: Chile, Russia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey. The study sought to: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective policies in career guidance and counseling; to identify emerging examples of best practice, and suggest ... Read More
November 13, 2017John McCarthy


Did you ever wonder why a country might benefit from having a national strategy for career guidance and what a national strategy for lifelong guidance might look like? In general, most countries have subsystems of career guidance in the education, training and employment sectors, that often are not connected to each ... Read More
March 13, 2017John McCarthy


Among the less well-known bi-partisan political activities in the USA in the past few years has been the emergence of approaches to developing policies and policy instruments in the education, training and employment fields based on evidence of what works and the collection of longitudinal data of US citizen learning ... Read More
November 16, 2016John McCarthy


See you all in Seoul! Please get on board our journey to Career Development: at the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact. The 8th ICCDPP International Symposium 2017 will be held in Seoul, Korea on 18 ~ 21 June 2017. Your country is most welcome to join us and share your thoughts and experiences ... Read More
September 22, 2016John McCarthy


These EU Guidelines, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) provide an agreed reference framework on policies and systems for lifelong guidance across EU Member States. They aim to assist policy makers and policy developers to reflect in a systematic way on existing career guidance services and programmes ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This 2011 publication by the Equality and Human Rights Commission looked at how equality and diversity policy issues were being treated in practice by careers services and schools in England. The Research Report examines: Young people’s attainment, choices and participation The role and influence of careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) Policy on CEIAG ... Read More
September 10, 2015John McCarthy


This expert paper, commissioned by the OECD (2001) as part of its international review of career guidance, and written by international expert, Prof. Tony Watts, examines key issues for policy makers faced with the potential of ICT to transform career information and guidance services. It explores -how investment in ICT can enhance ... Read More
January 10, 2015John McCarthy


This report produced for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills addresses how technology is reshaping the career support market and the implications of this for policy makers and for the funding and delivery of services. The career support market is defined as the conceptual space within which individuals who desire career support transact ... Read More
January 20, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This report was commissioned by the Careers Industry Council of Australia in 2006. It looked at possible areas of research on the economic benefits derived from the provision of career development services. The key benefit identified was better informed career decision-making that leads to improved labour market outcomes. The conclusions ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This study, commissioned by the Educational Guidance Service for Adults (EGSA) in Northern Ireland (NI), attempts to capture the current return to the economy of the investment in career/educational guidance services provided to the adult population by EGSA. This organisation had been in existence in Northern Ireland for 40 years. ... Read More
November 13, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This is an expert paper commissioned jointly by the EC and OECD for the international review of policies for career guidance initiated by the OECD in 2001. The author examines the demand for career guidance and  the nature of supply and incentives to enhance both the quantity and the quality of supply ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This is a study of the potential economic and fiscal impacts of the National Reform Agenda of the Council of Australian Governments. The National Reform Agenda includes an interlinked  human capital stream covering health, education and training, and work incentives with benefits from each area feeding into the other. The ... Read More
April 25, 2007Tibor Kovacs