Category: Coordination and leadership


A 2017 Asian Development Bank consultant review of labour market information in Uzbekistan found that limited resources and information are available to assist youth and adults make informed career decisions. Existing resources include career orientation programs in Grades 8-9, student visits to Specialized Secondary Colleges, and some Colleges have individual web ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Following on the publication of the Communique from the 2017 International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy, here is a ICCDPP IS2017 Communique-implementation-template-final devised by Dr Tristram Hooley. This template lists all of the possible actions at national or regional or organisational levels that a country could undertake in order ... Read More
July 13, 2017John McCarthy


Dear Readers Most of you did not have the opportunity to attend the International Symposium in Seoul, Korea, in June 2017. Just to recall the theme and subthemes: Theme: Career Development: At the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact Subtheme 1: Understanding How Work Opportunities are Changing Subtheme 2: Ensuring that the Content and Delivery of Career ... Read More
July 5, 2017John McCarthy


Did you ever wonder why a country might benefit from having a national strategy for career guidance and what a national strategy for lifelong guidance might look like? In general, most countries have subsystems of career guidance in the education, training and employment sectors, that often are not connected to each ... Read More
March 13, 2017John McCarthy


This post follows well on the last post entitled Changing Places! This Report, commissioned by the Centre for Better Ageing (UK) and undertaken by the Institute for Employment Studies (Brighton), presents the workplace and job-related factors that make employment fulfilling for older workers, offering insights into both the attitudes of older ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Among the less well-known bi-partisan political activities in the USA in the past few years has been the emergence of approaches to developing policies and policy instruments in the education, training and employment fields based on evidence of what works and the collection of longitudinal data of US citizen learning ... Read More
November 16, 2016John McCarthy


This document summarises the experiences of four countries -Belgium, Norway, Germany, and Luxembourg- on how best to approach the challenges of integrating young people who are not in education, employment and training (NEETs). Each used variants of a FIND-MIND-BIND framework approach: early identification, establishing a trust relationship, and support to ... Read More
October 14, 2016John McCarthy


This publication of the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Inclusion, sets out the policy landscape and analysis for the variety of outreach guidance approaches used in the European Union. While the aim of the publication is to inquire into the feasibility of a Mutual Learning Programme on this theme ... Read More
October 12, 2016John McCarthy


You are kindly invited to join this LinkedIn international discussion group that has just opened. The focus of the discussions will be policy and systems issues in the provision of career guidance/development/ lifelong guidance. The purpose of the Group is to have informed debate about guidance policy and systems issues. Your contributions ... Read More
October 10, 2016John McCarthy


See you all in Seoul! Please get on board our journey to Career Development: at the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact. The 8th ICCDPP International Symposium 2017 will be held in Seoul, Korea on 18 ~ 21 June 2017. Your country is most welcome to join us and share your thoughts and experiences ... Read More
September 22, 2016John McCarthy


This national strategy document has been prepared jointly by the Department of Employment and Learning and the Department of Education in Northern Ireland (part of the UK). It sets out the background to the development of the strategy; describes and analyses the social and economic context including the ongoing reforms of ... Read More
March 15, 2016John McCarthy


There are several higher education institutions in Ireland that provide training programmes for guidance practitioners, particularly for practitioners who work in schools and in the national adult educational guidance initiative. Such practitioners are employed through public funding from the Department of Education and Skills. In order to bring some coherence ... Read More
March 15, 2016John McCarthy


These EU Guidelines, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) provide an agreed reference framework on policies and systems for lifelong guidance across EU Member States. They aim to assist policy makers and policy developers to reflect in a systematic way on existing career guidance services and programmes ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This report summarises the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) during the eight years of its existence. The network consisted of country teams of education and labour ministry officials or their representatives from over 30 European countries who met together and worked together along with international partner ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This 2011 publication by the Equality and Human Rights Commission looked at how equality and diversity policy issues were being treated in practice by careers services and schools in England. The Research Report examines: Young people’s attainment, choices and participation The role and influence of careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) Policy on CEIAG ... Read More
September 10, 2015John McCarthy


The National Audit Office, Finland, has just issued its report on the state and quality of the local cooperation network of guidance services as well as the activities of the steering ministries (Education and Culture; Employment and Economy) in reinforcing the prerequisites for guidance services. The report addresses: Clarifying the contents of ... Read More
July 3, 2015John McCarthy


Preparing the talent pipeline, youth workforce preparation and workforce entry, was the subject of the 7th International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy held in Iowa, USA, 15-17 June, 2015. Participants examined the labour market challenges facing young people and how career guidance services can assist them in managing ... Read More
July 1, 2015John McCarthy


This Resource Kit, developed by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), was designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders in the European Union to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from ... Read More
May 23, 2015John McCarthy


This expert paper, commissioned by the OECD (2001) as part of its international review of career guidance, and written by international expert, Prof. Tony Watts, examines key issues for policy makers faced with the potential of ICT to transform career information and guidance services. It explores -how investment in ICT can enhance ... Read More
January 10, 2015John McCarthy


ELGPN Resource Kit_2011-12_web This Resource Kit, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, is designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from practices in other ... Read More
October 16, 2014John McCarthy


This recent publication by Careers New Zealand provides a set of quality benchmarks for career development programmes and services in tertiary/post-secondary further and higher education and training in New Zealand. It outlines a clear and consistent framework to enable tertiary organisations and external bodies to review the effectiveness of their ... Read More
December 14, 2012Tibor Kovacs


الأوربية والـ OECD. يهدف هذا الكتيب إلى إطلاع صناع السياسات في أي دولة على كيفية اتخاذ قرارات حول أفضل الاستراتيجيات لسياسات التوجيه المهني في بلادهم في قطاعات التعليم والتوظيف والمجتمع. يقسم الجزء الأساسي من الكتيب إلى أربع عشرة فكرة رئيسية للسياسات تم ترتيب كل منها في أربع محاور هي: + تطوير التوجيه المهني ... Read More
November 20, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This recently published research report was compiled by Miles Morgan for the Australian government in order to inform future government strategy on policies for career development. It consists of a review of national and international career development research as well as consultations with experts and with States and Territories personnel. ... Read More
September 24, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This paper, prepared by the NOUS Group, was commissioned by the Australian government to help it to develop its national career development strategy. Published in 2011, it describes the components of such a strategy and suggests options for its implementation. The components of the strategy are as follows: vision goals leadership governance services - ICT services ... Read More
September 24, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This report, prepared in 2011 by Deloitte Access Economics for the Australian government, examines the options presented in the report prepared by NOUS (see previous publication on this site) for a National Career Development Strategy for Australia. In its introduction the report cautions that it is impossible to conduct a ... Read More
September 24, 2012Tibor Kovacs


The Framework, published by Skills Development Scotland in July 2012, describes career management skills set around 4 themes: Self - developing a sense of self in society Strengths - acknowledging and building on one's strengths and experiences Horizons - visualising futures, and planning and realising them Networks - developing support relationships and networks. The skills ... Read More
September 23, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This is a Report of a Working Group established by the Scottish Government to examine current practice and propose future strategic directions for the development of the career guidance workforce in Scotland. Published in July 2012, it describes role profiles in the guidance workforce and the types of qualifications that ... Read More
September 23, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This Green Paper published by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in June 2012 proposes a way forward for a National Career Development Strategy for Australia. The Green Paper has been informed by extensive discussions with key stakeholders and by a number of national research projects. The Australian Government recognises ... Read More
September 20, 2012Tibor Kovacs


Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Deutschland Diese Broschüre gibt den ausländischen Partnern in der Europäischen Union und darüber hinaus einen Überblick über die Grundstruktur des Systems der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Deutschland. Für jeden Lebensabschnitt – sei es in Schule, Studium, Aus- und Weiterbildung, im Beruf oder bei Arbeitslosigkeit – bietet das ... Read More
September 19, 2012Tibor Kovacs



Career Guidance In Germany

Career Guidance in Germany This brochure, published by the National Guidance Forum of Germany, gives an overview of the basic structure of the German guidance system especially for our partners in the European Union and beyond. In general, the German system provides access to educational and career guidance services for all ... Read More
September 19, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This document produced by the National Guidance Forum of Germany is a shortened form/flyer based on the complete description of Career Guidance in Germany given elsewhere on this website. This is the German language version. Read more
September 19, 2012Tibor Kovacs



Career Guidance In Germany

This document published by the National Guidance Forum of Germany is a flyer/shortened version of the publication Career Guidance in Germany which can be found elsewhere on this website. Read more
September 19, 2012Tibor Kovacs


Ce document etait préparé en vue de l’Examen de l’OCDE sur les politiques d’orientation professionnelle à la demande conjointe de la Commission européenne et de l’OCDE et publie en 2002. Il traite les thèmes suivants: De nouveaux besoins en matière d’information et d’orientation professionnelles La demande d’information et d’orientation professionnelles : la valorisation d’une marchandise ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs


These benchmarks developed by Careers NZ through an iterative process are designed to help schools to evaluate their success in implementing careers education programmes and to improve their quality. They are presented as a self-review tool and consist of four sections: Student learning outcomes: career management skills, the competencies that students should ... Read More
May 12, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This Decree signed by the Prime Minister, the Minister for Labour and Employment, the Minister for Higher Education and Research, the Minister for Education, Youth and Community Life, and the Minister for Vocational Training, sets out the procedures to be followed and conditions for any organisation or group of organisations ... Read More
August 31, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This Order sets down the quality criteria that career services provided by one or by a group of organisations must meet in order to obtain official recognition for the provision of such services and the right to display the logo that indicates such recognition. The criteria are grouped into three categories: 1. Criteria pertaining ... Read More
August 31, 2011Tibor Kovacs


The employment and skills systems need to work together to support individuals into employment with the skills to progress, and in turn, to provide the skills employers demand through responsive workforce development. The Skills for Scotland Strategy and its subsequent refresh in 2010 encourages the integration of employment and skills ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is a shortened version of a report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network from 2008-2010. It covers: career management skills, widening access to careers services, cooperation and coordination of stakeholders, quality assurance of services, and developing the evidence base for policies. The full report has ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Ein Bericht über die Arbeit des Europäischen Netzwerks für eine Politik der lebensbegleitenden Beratung 2009–10 Inhalt Vorwort Danksagung 1 Überblick 2 ELGPN-Arbeitsprogramm 2009–10 3 Career Management Skills (WP1) 4 Erweiterung des Zugangs (WP2) 5 Mechanismen der Zusammenarbeit und Koordination (WP3) 6 Qualitätssicherung und Evidenz (WP4) 7 Beobachtung der EU-Politik (TG1) 8 EU-finanzierte Projekte: Synergien und Verbindungen mit Politik (TG2) 9 Evaluierung der ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Ceci est la version abrégée du rapport (2008-10) préparé par le Réseau européen pour les politiques d’orientation tout au long de la vie (ELGPN), un réseau d’Etats membres ayant bénéficié de financements européens dans le cadre du programme d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Sommaire Avant-propos Remerciements 1 Vue d’ensemble 2 Programme de travail d’ELGPN 2009–10 3 ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This Cedefop 2011 publication examines progress by EU Member States in implementing the priority action areas of the 2008 European Council Resolution on Lifelong Guidance. These areas are: expanding access to careers services, the teaching and learning of career management skills, assuring the quality of career services, developing the evidence ... Read More
August 29, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is the full report of the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) 2009-10 in a very readable format as presented by the representatives of the EU Member States, and edited by Dr Vuorinen and Dr Watts. It describes the structures and processes of the ELGPN  and ... Read More
August 29, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is Volume 2 Issue 2 of Career Developments, a newsletter issued by the Canadian Council of Career Development Associations. It features: Information about the Council of Associations Do Career Development Interventions and Services Work? A Provincial View from New Brunswick. Other issues may be accessed at: Read more
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This study, published in December 2010, was commissioned by the Departments of Education and of Business and Innovation of the State of Victoria, Australia. Victoria has a population of 5.5 million inhabitants living mainly in urban areas. The focus of the study was the effectiveness of career guidance provision for young people in ... Read More
April 4, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This recently published paper from the Scottish government sets out the strategic directions for the future provision of career guidance services in Scotland. It supports the provision of an all-age, universal service, with appropriate targeting of those most at need. Skills Development Scotland is given a key leadership role working ... Read More
March 29, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Wales, bounded by land and sea, with a good mix of urban centres and rural aspects, is a part of the United Kingdom, with a population of 3 million people. It has its government and own parliament, the National Assembly of Wales, its own language, Welsh, and many people living in ... Read More
January 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This document is the response of Leighton Andrews, Minister for Children, Education and Lifelong Learning, National Government of Wales, to the recommendations of the report: Future ambitions: developing careers services in Wales. It is a good example of how review report recommendations can be implemented within the statutory responsibilities of a ... Read More
January 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This Communique is an output of the Pacific Careers Network (PCN) which was established at the International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy held in Wellington, New Zealand, in November 2009. It outlines the background and aims of the Symposium, a vision for PCN and definition of career, how the network will ... Read More
December 30, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the direction setting document that emerged from the Fifth International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy that was hosted by Career Services in Wellington, New Zealand from 14 to 17 November 2009. The themes for the Symposium were: Transformational technology Prove it works Role of the citizen Culture counts The document sets out ... Read More
December 2, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This article, written by Dr Jim Sampson of Florida State University and delivered as a presentation at the IAEVG conference in Jyvaskyla in June 2009, examines two elements of policies for career guidance: the effectiveness of career guidance interventions in relation to cost and access to such interventions by citizens. ... Read More
August 7, 2009Tibor Kovacs