Category: Career management skills


This is one of the best OECD publications on career guidance for a long time. It addresses how education systems can assist the education to work transitions of young people who experience barriers to successful transitions because of socioeconomic circumstances or gender (including sexual orientation and identity) or migrant status (including ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


Public Employment Services (PES) play a critical role in active labour market policies, helping to match jobseekers with job opportunities, and supporting job changers. Matching is not a straight forward activity. The skills demanded by employers e.g. in emerging jobs, may not be those held by jobseekers. Moreover, jobseekers are ... Read More
January 23, 2024John McCarthy


Glossaries are timebound and culturally bound compilations that enable communications within a field of of academic discipline, between professionals, and between professions and society. In the field of career guidance, glossaries have been developed by national associations of career practitioners to facilitate national and sectoral (education, training, employment, social) professional ... Read More
October 23, 2023John McCarthy


INNOVATION: CAREER EXPLORATION THROUGH THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FOR STUDENTS AGED 15-16 YEARS The Department of Education in Ireland has a unique one-year school programme that bridges the gap between junior and senior cycle education, known as the Transition Year Programme (TYP). It represents a radical systems experiment whereby one whole year in the middle ... Read More
September 12, 2023John McCarthy


DISRUPTED FUTURES: HOW SCHOOLS CAN BEST EQUIP STUDENTS FOR THEIR WORKING LIVES The OECD is hosting a free 3 day online conference next week whose focus will be the role of schools in preparing students for working life.  The programme includes practice and research papers, in parallel sessions, from 15 countries worldwide. The opening session on ... Read More
May 24, 2023John McCarthy


FOR NEETS, EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS, AND STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES AN EMPOWERMENT BASED APPROACH "Nothing succeeds like observed success" is a phrase that I learned from my professor of applied psychology back in the 1970s! These words came to mind again in recent interactions with Pascal Chaumette, the director of ID6, a ... Read More
March 29, 2023John McCarthy


The National Guidance Forum of Germany aims to promote the professional delivery of guidance in education, vocational training and employment sectors in Germany, to give stimulation for the (further)development of guidance services which meet the different needs of the users, to develop guidelines for quality and quality assurance of services and practices, and ... Read More
November 1, 2022John McCarthy


There are many things that the Scots get right at a policy level: the importance of youth engagement between ages 16 to 24 years in learning, work, and other societally productive activity; the need to provide additional career learning support to disadvantaged youth to enable them to visualise and plan ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


TRANSFORMING CAREERS SUPPORT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Northern Ireland, with a population of 1.9 million is located on the island of Ireland and forms an integral political part "home country" of the United Kingdom for over 100 years. It also currently benefits from being part of the EU's Single Market, ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


This handbook seeks to provide a state-of-the-art reference point for the field of career development. The handbook is divided into three sections. The first section explores the economic, educational, and public policy contexts within which careers are enacted. The second section explores the rich conceptual landscape of career theory. The ... Read More
June 15, 2021John McCarthy


The conference organisers are inviting submissions – by 14 July 2021 - from practitioners and researchers on how schools and communities can best prepare young people to succeed in work.For further details, please see the Call for Papers for practitioners and researchers.To submit a practice paper, sign up here and for submitting a research paper, please sign up here.Proposals ... Read More
June 12, 2021John McCarthy


On 27, 28 and 29 October 2021, OECD with ICCDPP will host a free online conference highlighting innovative research and practice focusing on how schools can prepare young people for their transitions through education into ultimate employment.The conference will begin with the presentation by Andreas Schleicher (OECD Director of Education and ... Read More
June 12, 2021John McCarthy


Using data from longitudinal studies (Australia, Denmark, and Switzerland) and other research, this working paper examines five aspects of the career learning thinking and behaviours of teenagers:Career certainty (definiteness of career plan)Career alignment (education plans matching occupational aspirations)Career ambition (high expectations for study and jobs)Instrumental motivation (understands the long-term benefits of education)Career ... Read More
June 12, 2021John McCarthy


The OECD and ICCDPP will be working together over the next six months on teenage career planning thinking and behaviour. Research to date suggests that: The career planning thinking and behaviour of teenagers impacts on their adult employment success and transitions - the more engagement, the more successTeenagers may under-estimate or over-estimate the ... Read More
June 1, 2021John McCarthy


This UCAS publication (April 2021) explores the reasons for choice of degree subjects of UK higher education students and applicants, and maps their decision-making journeys from primary through secondary school. It also explores the barriers and challenges they faced in the decision-making process. Based on the responses of 64,600 higher education ... Read More
June 1, 2021John McCarthy


ETF published 2 volumes under this title in Autumn 2020. In Volume 1, the authors, from their perspectives, identify and describe 4 mega-trends in career guidance: the use of ICT for career guidance delivery; career learning-the teaching and acquisition of career management skills; inter-ministerial coordination and cooperation in policy and ... Read More
April 23, 2021John McCarthy


Data-driven guidance: new OECD work on teenage indicators of career readiness As the healthcare emergency becomes an employment crisis, it is more timely than ever to reflect on the effectiveness of career guidance interventions and ask what works and why.  This week the OECD publishes a new working paper and launches new ... Read More
December 18, 2020John McCarthy




The OECD has just published a new Working Paper, Career Ready? How schools can better prepare young people for working life in the era of Covid-19.  The paper reviews academic literature that analyses national longitudinal datasets and provides evidence of teenage career-related indicators of better than expected adult employment outcomes.  It ... Read More
December 14, 2020John McCarthy


This note offers the International Labour Organisation's preliminary assessment concerning the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the world of work and proposes a range of policy options to mitigate these impacts and facilitate strong and fast recovery.
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


SECTION 3 D - EDUCATION AND PRE-EMPLOYMENT TRAINING"Ensure provision of vocational, labour market and career information and guidance and employment counselling, supplemented by information on the rights and obligations of all concerned under labour-related laws and other forms of labour regulation"All member countries of the International Labour Organisation signed up to ... Read More
March 23, 2020John McCarthy


The previous post highlighted the OECD PISA 2018 findings on the impact of social class on the job expectations, career aspirations, and career planning of young people, in particular the negative impact for disadvantaged young people.This special report from the NYT (February 2020) gives a concrete example of how a Careers Centre ... Read More
March 23, 2020John McCarthy


La question de savoir comment les gouvernements peuvent aider les citoyens à construire des carrières épanouissantes a été au centre du neuvième Symposium international sur le développement de carrière et les politiques publiques, qui s'est tenu à Tromsø, Norvège, du 17 au 20 juin 2019.Au cours du Symposium, des représentants ... Read More
October 31, 2019John McCarthy


Virtual assistant, you-tuber, app-developer.There are jobs that 20 years ago were not imaginable.Other jobs have almost disappeared. This report is the work of The Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service, which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support ... Read More
October 31, 2019John McCarthy


Profesionales de la orientación académica y profesional de 33 países se reúnen en el International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy para reflexionar sobre los retos de esta disciplina e identificar posibles mejoras desde las políticas públicas. ¿Cómo pueden los gobiernos ayudar a las personas a construir carreras profesionales más ... Read More
July 2, 2019John McCarthy


How governments can support citizens to build fulfilling careers was the focus of the ninth International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy, held in Tromsø, Norway on 17th-20th June 2019. During the Symposium representatives from 33 countries and from UNESCO, the OECD, European Commission, European Training Foundation and the ... Read More
June 28, 2019John McCarthy


We are pleased to bring to your attention the four synthesis papers arising from the 33 country papers prepared for the 9th International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy which will be held shortly in Tromso, Norway. They concern how policies and systems for career guidance support the public and ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


From Norway to Chile, from Syria to Sri Lanka, from France to Japan, how are policies and systems for career guidance supporting the public and employers to manage the structural and occupational changes occurring in the labour market and their social impact? The 33 countries participating in the 9th International Symposium ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


Leading career development services into an uncertain future: Ensuring access, integration and innovation The symposium of 2019, organised by Kompetanse Norge/Skills Norway, an agency of the Ministry of Education, will focus on exploring how the world in which individuals are pursuing their careers is changing and how people across the world ... Read More
September 26, 2018John McCarthy


Career Development Positioned as Key Perspective for Higher Education in Times of Mass Access Authorities from the most prestigious universities of Chile agreed that career development is a new perspective and need in the Chilean context and embraced its relevance for a better and sustainable relationship between higher education and the ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Future European co-operation in the field of policies and systems for lifelong guidance and the use of ICT in guidance policies, systems and practices were some of the main concerns of the Estonian EU Presidency conference, held in Talliin at the end of September with an attendance in excess of ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Dear Readers Most of you did not have the opportunity to attend the International Symposium in Seoul, Korea, in June 2017. Just to recall the theme and subthemes: Theme: Career Development: At the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact Subtheme 1: Understanding How Work Opportunities are Changing Subtheme 2: Ensuring that the Content and Delivery of Career ... Read More
July 5, 2017John McCarthy


Young people in Nepal face many challenges in making labour market and societal  transitions, both of which are intertwined. Almost 70% of the workforce is engaged in agriculture, mainly family farming. School drop-out to support family livelihood occurs early in schooling. Emigration for work is very important in terms of ... Read More
April 23, 2017John McCarthy


This post follows well on the last post entitled Changing Places! This Report, commissioned by the Centre for Better Ageing (UK) and undertaken by the Institute for Employment Studies (Brighton), presents the workplace and job-related factors that make employment fulfilling for older workers, offering insights into both the attitudes of older ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Why is there a growth in the percentage of older workers in the workforce in your country? New pension requirements? Skills shortages? Removal of age discrimination? All of the above? Other? Do you have policy responsibility and/or interest for the development and retention of older workers engaged in arduous work (work ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Then read this article from today's New York Times!
January 4, 2017John McCarthy


In many countries, Entrepreneurship as a career option is often a marginalised choice because the general curricula of education and training at all levels pay little attention to the knowledge, skills and attitudes involved in entrepreneurship. This is often reinforced by careers information systems that emphasise employment over self-employment. Likewise, entrepreneurship ... Read More
December 13, 2016John McCarthy


See you all in Seoul! Please get on board our journey to Career Development: at the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact. The 8th ICCDPP International Symposium 2017 will be held in Seoul, Korea on 18 ~ 21 June 2017. Your country is most welcome to join us and share your thoughts and experiences ... Read More
September 22, 2016John McCarthy


EMPLOYABILITY? WHAT IS IT? WHO DEFINES IT? A RESEARCH REPORT FROM THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PERSONNEL AND DEVELOPMENT (CIPD) CIPD is the professional body for Human Resources (HR) and People Development staff employed in the private and public sectors worldwide.  Its goals include promoting better work and working lives and working practices that ... Read More
September 15, 2016John McCarthy


The primary goal of the International Labour Organization (ILO), a specialised agency of United Nations, is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. As part of its mission to promote social justice and internationally recognized human ... Read More
August 12, 2016John McCarthy


In September 2015, Education Scotland, an agency of Scottish Government, published a Career Education Standard for children and young people as they make their way through school and learn about the world of work. The Standard is set out according to: -the Career Education entitlements of children and young people -the expected support ... Read More
July 4, 2016John McCarthy


These EU Guidelines, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) provide an agreed reference framework on policies and systems for lifelong guidance across EU Member States. They aim to assist policy makers and policy developers to reflect in a systematic way on existing career guidance services and programmes ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


Career management skills refer to a range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to collect, analyse, synthesise and interpret information on oneself, on learning and work pathways and on occupations, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions arising from this information. The ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This report summarises the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) during the eight years of its existence. The network consisted of country teams of education and labour ministry officials or their representatives from over 30 European countries who met together and worked together along with international partner ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


ICCDPP BIESTRA Photo 2015 The 3th Biennial Meeting of Higher Education and the World of Work (BIESTRA 2015) was held 7th-9th October in Santiago, Chile. More than 150 representatives from 49 university and non-university institutions from Chile, México, Ecuador and Colombia participated.   The event was organized by Centro de Desarrollo Profesional of ... Read More
November 17, 2015John McCarthy


El 3er Encuentro Bienal de Educación Superior y Mundo del Trabajo (BIESTRA 2015) realizado entre los días 7 y 9 de octubre, en Santiago de Chile, reunió a más de 150 representantes de 49 instituciones de educación superior universitarias y técnicas de Chile, México, Colombia y Ecuador.   El evento organizado por ... Read More
November 17, 2015John McCarthy


This Resource Kit, developed by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), was designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders in the European Union to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from ... Read More
May 23, 2015John McCarthy


PISA 2012, undertaken by the OECD, provided a unique opportunity to examine national differences in career development outcomes for young people and to relate these differences to the characteristics of these young people, of their families, and of schools.  Using the career-related items in the Education Career questionnaire, four scales ... Read More
May 23, 2015John McCarthy


This is the summary version of the review undertaken for USAID on the outcomes of Youth Workforce Development programmes for out of school youth.
January 29, 2015John McCarthy


This evaluation report was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2013. The paper is based on a literature scan of 54 publicly available studies that were published between 2001 and 2012 on the topics of youth employment, workforce development, livelihoods development, school to-work transition, youth entrepreneurship, ... Read More
January 29, 2015John McCarthy


This Concept Note on Nordic perspectives on career competences and guidance (2014) was commissioned by the Nordic Network for Adult Learning  (NVL) in co-operation with the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, ELGPN. It explores: what is meant by career management competences (in the Nordic language context it is more meaningful to talk of 'career ... Read More
January 15, 2015John McCarthy