Category: Canada


Canada is one of many countries where the career guidance sector is unregulated and not organized at a national level, with no universal application of consistent job titles, sector member definitions, or sector data tracking systems. Policymakers, employers, and the public know very little about the sector. Provincial and territorial ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


SUPPORTING EMPLOYABILITY AND POVERTY REDUCTION Among the many challenges facing career guidance policies, systems, and practices are those of showing proof that career guidance has a very positive effect on people's lives in concrete terms such as obtaining employment and improving their socio-economic circumstances. Canada provides us with two recent evidenced-based ... Read More
February 21, 2024John McCarthy


Career guidance provision for adults has long been recognised as the weakest link in the chain in lifelong guidance careers services and systems in most countries. This is paradoxal as we spend most of our lives in adulthood, experiencing multiple transitions in work and life roles, and trying to balance ... Read More
September 8, 2023John McCarthy


View and download the presentations on Labour Market Information and Career Guidance from the CEDEFOP event 16 May 2016 on this topic They include: ICT and LMI in career guidance Skills mismatches and guidance policies Integrating labour market and skills intelligence within wider skills governance strategies Analysing online vacancies for LMI Developing an LMI toolkit for ... Read More
June 6, 2016John McCarthy


A recent survey of 1,500 Canadians of all ages, commissioned by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC), along with the Counselling Foundation of Canada, show a high regard for the value of professional career guidance services and a declining use of such services as one gets older. Access the ... Read More
March 17, 2015John McCarthy


Survey results of students and youth aged 15-29 years. This survey looks at the challenges facing youth in Canada entering the labour market and their views and experiences of these challenges.
January 13, 2015John McCarthy


This is Volume 2 Issue 2 of Career Developments, a newsletter issued by the Canadian Council of Career Development Associations. It features: Information about the Council of Associations Do Career Development Interventions and Services Work? A Provincial View from New Brunswick. Other issues may be accessed at: Read more
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This paper was prepared in 2010 for the Career Development Services work group of the Forum for Labour Market Ministers. It provides a snapshot of current practice in quality assurance in Canada among government funded career and employment agencies, third party providers contracted by government, and large community based service ... Read More
April 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is a power point presentation prepared by the Canadian Research Work Group to describe the back ground to the project, its preliminary results in the second phase, and next steps. It is one of Canada's contributions to the Forum and deliberations on the ICCDPP site which is concerned with the ... Read More
April 6, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Arrimer les études et le travail : l’engagement de l’Alberta en matière de développement de carrière établit des liens plus solides entre l’éducation et le travail, et fournit un accès plus coordonné aux programmes de formation professionnelle et d’emploi, ainsi qu’aux services dans un marché du travail constamment en évolution. Arrimer ... Read More
April 16, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This brochure outlines how the provincial ministries in Alberta: Education, Advanced Education and Technology, and Employment and Immigration are working together in hte Connecting Learning and Work strategy to support the career development of Albertans from kindergarten through grade 12, post-secondary, and the workplace. It defines the outcomes, priority actions ... Read More
April 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is a revised version of the four page summary document published by the British Columbia Career and Workforce Development Alliance. It calls on the career and employment services sector in that province to take an interest in demonstrating the impact of careers services, programmes and interventions. The publication strongly advocates the use ... Read More
October 27, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This 4 page briefing document published by the British Columbia Career and Workforce Development Alliance calls on the career and employment services sector in that province to take an interest in demonstrating the impact of careers services, programmes and interventions. It strongly advocates the use of the Canadian Research Work ... Read More
December 18, 2007Tibor Kovacs


British Columbia finds itself at a crossroads concerning supply driven and demand driven careers and employment services according to a document prepared by the Social and Planning Research Council of British Columbia for ASPECT and for the British Columbia Career and Workforce Alliance. A booming economy has led to skills ... Read More
December 18, 2007Tibor Kovacs