Category: South Africa


This excellent Powerpoint presentation by Ms Nozuko Mfenyana, Project Manager, Career Development Services Systems Coordination, Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), at the recent NICDS Policy Dialogue, describes the challenges of implementing government career guidance policy in South Africa. Policy, strategy, systems, and practice are key components of career guidance ... Read More
June 27, 2024John McCarthy




NEW BOARD MEMBERS FOR ICCDPP Following a worldwide public recruitment campaign, ICCDPP has appointed 4 new members to augment and enrich the knowledge, skills and experience of the Board of ICCDPP in the pursuit of its mission and goals. The new members are: Dr David Fretwell: Dr. Fretwell’s primary area of experience ... Read More
December 24, 2022John McCarthy


Our final look this year is the Southern Hemisphere, and Africa in particular. One of the most inspiring presentations given at the International Symposium in Norway last June was:The Challenges of Meeting Everyone's Needsby Letshego Mokeki, Director, Career Development Services Programmes, Department of Higher Education and Training, South-Africa. The challenges are immense ... Read More
December 19, 2019John McCarthy


The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has produced an excellent policy document on career services for all South African citizens. In a country with rampant unemployment, poverty, and inequality, this DHET publication views career guidance as a policy tool to support the employability of citizens and the sustainable ... Read More
September 11, 2018John McCarthy


This 2004 review covered 7 countries: Chile, Russia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey. The study sought to: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective policies in career guidance and counseling; to identify emerging examples of best practice, and suggest ... Read More
November 13, 2017John McCarthy


This report summarize the findings of seven case-studies of public policy in career guidance carried out in Chile, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa and Turkey. The objectives of this World Bank study were: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective ... Read More
October 15, 2008Tibor Kovacs