Category: ICCDPP Blog


JOINT RESEARCH REPORT: ICCDPP, OECD, UNESCO, ILO, EC, CEDEFOP, ETF  This report, recently published through CEDEFOP, captures changes in career guidance policies, systems and practices arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, as observed across 93 countries globally between the end of June and the beginning of August 2020.The research findings show that career ... Read More
January 5, 2021John McCarthy


CEDEFOP has just launched a call for papers for a reference publication on the monitoring and evaluation of career guidance systems and services for adults, entitled ‘Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services’ which can be downloaded here: Contributions will be used for developing a ... Read More
December 14, 2020John McCarthy



October 21, 2020John McCarthy


The provision of career guidance/learning in schools in many countries has been impacted by COVID-19. Schools and career practitioners have had to adapt to providing online support for students. These Guidelines just published by the Department of Education and Skills (Ireland) provide advice to guidance counsellors on how to manage ... Read More
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


SECTION 3 D - EDUCATION AND PRE-EMPLOYMENT TRAINING"Ensure provision of vocational, labour market and career information and guidance and employment counselling, supplemented by information on the rights and obligations of all concerned under labour-related laws and other forms of labour regulation"All member countries of the International Labour Organisation signed up to ... Read More
March 23, 2020John McCarthy


The previous post highlighted the OECD PISA 2018 findings on the impact of social class on the job expectations, career aspirations, and career planning of young people, in particular the negative impact for disadvantaged young people.This special report from the NYT (February 2020) gives a concrete example of how a Careers Centre ... Read More
March 23, 2020John McCarthy


WORKERS MOST AT RISK OF INFECTION The US Department of Labour has a comprehensive database of over 900 occupations that can be accessed online. The characteristics of different occupations are described such as physical proximity to others, exposure to infection, if and how often a telephone is used, and how often a job ... Read More
March 18, 2020John McCarthy




TEENAGERS' CAREER ASPIRATIONS (2018) AND THE FUTURE OF WORK The OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) measures the abilities of 15 year old school students to use their reading, mathematics and science knowledge and skills to confront real-life challenges. Its results provide useful insights to governments in participating countries and ... Read More
March 13, 2020John McCarthy


Four international organisations, OECD, ILO, UNESCO, and the European Commission, and two agencies (ETF, CEDEFOP) of one of these (European Commission) have just issued a first joint statement encouraging governments to invest in career guidance. The 12-page document describes career guidance, its importance for young people and adults in the present ... Read More
January 9, 2020John McCarthy


Realizar una reforma integral de la orientación y ofrecer intervenciones a lo largo y ancho de la vida con perspectiva de género son algunas de las propuestas que comparten tanto el Ministerio como expertos en la materia
December 19, 2019John McCarthy


Profesionales de la orientación académica y profesional de 33 países se reúnen en el International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy para reflexionar sobre los retos de esta disciplina e identificar posibles mejoras desde las políticas públicas. ¿Cómo pueden los gobiernos ayudar a las personas a construir carreras profesionales más ... Read More
July 2, 2019John McCarthy


We are pleased to bring to your attention the four synthesis papers arising from the 33 country papers prepared for the 9th International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy which will be held shortly in Tromso, Norway. They concern how policies and systems for career guidance support the public and ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


From Norway to Chile, from Syria to Sri Lanka, from France to Japan, how are policies and systems for career guidance supporting the public and employers to manage the structural and occupational changes occurring in the labour market and their social impact? The 33 countries participating in the 9th International Symposium ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


Dedicar fondos públicos a unos buenos servicios de orientación académica y profesional para los jóvenes reduce el abandono escolar, afirma en entrevista John McCarthy, director del International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy. Lea la entrevista completa.
February 26, 2019John McCarthy


This is a very readable and easy to understand overview of trends and data concerning the relationship between education and jobs, looking towards the future. Accompanied by a sample of drawings "Draw the Future" of 20,000 young people scattered across 12 countries in five continents, the publication poses many relevant questions concerning ... Read More
February 26, 2019John McCarthy


CEDEFOP, an agency of the European Commission, published a handbook in 2018 that describes 25 ICT in guidance initiatives in EU Member States. Some of these initiatives were established for and in the education sector while others are from the employment sector. A common feature of both sets of initiatives is their ... Read More
January 14, 2019John McCarthy


What does the future of work look like? is a nice overview of changes already taking place and of the need for planning training for work and occupations of the future. Which are the 21st Century skills, capabilities, and attributes, that people need for the changing world of work and occupations? Curiosity, creativity, ... Read More
November 29, 2018John McCarthy


The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has produced an excellent policy document on career services for all South African citizens. In a country with rampant unemployment, poverty, and inequality, this DHET publication views career guidance as a policy tool to support the employability of citizens and the sustainable ... Read More
September 11, 2018John McCarthy


Australia, like many countries, struggles to have a national career system that is modern, fit for purpose, of quality, and provides equality of career support for all citizens, regardless of where in Australia they live. In 2017, the Department of Education and Training engaged a management consultancy firm to research ... Read More
June 26, 2018John McCarthy


England, the largest home country of the UK, is not a stranger to policy changes for career guidance provision over the past 20 years, some of which have been better or worse for citizens than the precedent! The most recently launched policy paper 'Making the best of everyone's talents and skills' ... Read More
April 1, 2018John McCarthy


This 2004 review covered 7 countries: Chile, Russia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey. The study sought to: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective policies in career guidance and counseling; to identify emerging examples of best practice, and suggest ... Read More
November 13, 2017John McCarthy


Career Development Positioned as Key Perspective for Higher Education in Times of Mass Access Authorities from the most prestigious universities of Chile agreed that career development is a new perspective and need in the Chilean context and embraced its relevance for a better and sustainable relationship between higher education and the ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Future European co-operation in the field of policies and systems for lifelong guidance and the use of ICT in guidance policies, systems and practices were some of the main concerns of the Estonian EU Presidency conference, held in Talliin at the end of September with an attendance in excess of ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


A 2017 Asian Development Bank consultant review of labour market information in Uzbekistan found that limited resources and information are available to assist youth and adults make informed career decisions. Existing resources include career orientation programs in Grades 8-9, student visits to Specialized Secondary Colleges, and some Colleges have individual web ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


An economic view of factors that contribute and not to job satisfaction!!!
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Did you ever wonder why a country might benefit from having a national strategy for career guidance and what a national strategy for lifelong guidance might look like? In general, most countries have subsystems of career guidance in the education, training and employment sectors, that often are not connected to each ... Read More
March 13, 2017John McCarthy


Why is there a growth in the percentage of older workers in the workforce in your country? New pension requirements? Skills shortages? Removal of age discrimination? All of the above? Other? Do you have policy responsibility and/or interest for the development and retention of older workers engaged in arduous work (work ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Among the less well-known bi-partisan political activities in the USA in the past few years has been the emergence of approaches to developing policies and policy instruments in the education, training and employment fields based on evidence of what works and the collection of longitudinal data of US citizen learning ... Read More
November 16, 2016John McCarthy


EMPLOYABILITY? WHAT IS IT? WHO DEFINES IT? A RESEARCH REPORT FROM THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PERSONNEL AND DEVELOPMENT (CIPD) CIPD is the professional body for Human Resources (HR) and People Development staff employed in the private and public sectors worldwide.  Its goals include promoting better work and working lives and working practices that ... Read More
September 15, 2016John McCarthy


In September 2015, Education Scotland, an agency of Scottish Government, published a Career Education Standard for children and young people as they make their way through school and learn about the world of work. The Standard is set out according to: -the Career Education entitlements of children and young people -the expected support ... Read More
July 4, 2016John McCarthy


View and download the presentations on Labour Market Information and Career Guidance from the CEDEFOP event 16 May 2016 on this topic They include: ICT and LMI in career guidance Skills mismatches and guidance policies Integrating labour market and skills intelligence within wider skills governance strategies Analysing online vacancies for LMI Developing an LMI toolkit for ... Read More
June 6, 2016John McCarthy


Survey results of students and youth aged 15-29 years. This survey looks at the challenges facing youth in Canada entering the labour market and their views and experiences of these challenges.
January 13, 2015John McCarthy