Category: Groups


This article, the first in the Portugese language on this site, traces historical and political developments in school based guidance delivery, drawing on international, EU and national (Portugese) policy developments and contexts, and makes proposals for change in Portugal. Read more
October 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This expert paper was jointly commissioned by the EC and OECD as part of the international review of policies for career guidance initiated by the OECD in 2001. The author argues that while information may be necessary for career decision-making, it is not by itself sufficient. Rational decision making models ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


The Leitch review examined the existing skills base of the adult population in the UK in the context of a global economy and made recommendations on how this base should be improved to enable the UK to successfully compete in the world economy in 2020 as well as to have ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This paper produced with the support of the Department of Education, Science and Training of Australia and the Department of Education and Training of New South Wales, introduces the concept of the four pillars of career and transition support for young people: Family Peers Community and employers Peers. It describes the empowerment strategy involved and ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This article is a summary of the first report of Future Track, a study of 130,000 higher education applicants in the UK in 2006. Commissioned by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit, the study will track these applicants for the next 6 years and on through their early careers, including ... Read More
August 24, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This literature review undertaken (2005)for the Higher Education Careers Services Unit in the UK by the Institute of Employment Research at the University of Warwick, examined career-related interventions and their impact on students' career related decisions, career learning and progression towards the labour market. Although there is substantial literature in the ... Read More
August 24, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This Charter adopted by FEDORA, Forum Europeén de l'Orientation Academique, is a statement of the value of guidance and counselling provision in higher education in Europe that seeks the support of policy makers, higher education institutions and international organisations to have such provision implemented. FEDORA is a European Association whose ... Read More
April 25, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This report presents the results of the third and final stage of research commissioned by the New Zealand Department of Labour (DoL) to identify: the reasons for the non-participation in paid employment of those aged 45 years and over; the potential role of career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) in assisting that ... Read More
March 30, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This is a Research Report, RR833, published by the Department of Education and Skills in the United Kingdom. The research was undertaken as part of a government review of advice, information and guidance services for adults. It specifically sought to evaluate a trial extension of Ufi/learndirect telephone guidance service for adults to ... Read More
March 30, 2007Tibor Kovacs