Category: Groups


This recent publication by Careers New Zealand provides a set of quality benchmarks for career development programmes and services in tertiary/post-secondary further and higher education and training in New Zealand. It outlines a clear and consistent framework to enable tertiary organisations and external bodies to review the effectiveness of their ... Read More
December 14, 2012Tibor Kovacs


These benchmarks developed by Careers NZ through an iterative process are designed to help schools to evaluate their success in implementing careers education programmes and to improve their quality. They are presented as a self-review tool and consist of four sections: Student learning outcomes: career management skills, the competencies that students should ... Read More
May 12, 2012Tibor Kovacs


While not an expert paper on career guidance information, this is an interesting informational article (2008) that compares the US and Japan in terms of challenges facing the economy and the workforce, challenges for particular work groups in certain economic sectors, and job seeking support systems including careers information. Read more
September 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is a very useful summary of research results concerning the impact of career guidance for second level school students on their engagement, retention, academic achievement, transitions to tertiary education and the labour market, and career and life success. It draws significantly on school experience in the USA. Read more
September 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is a practical example of the development of a career studies module for tertiary education students, produced by Pat McCash and published by the Centre for Career Management Skills at the University of Reading, UK. It provides an outline of a module that includes: career and learning, career and ... Read More
September 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


The employment and skills systems need to work together to support individuals into employment with the skills to progress, and in turn, to provide the skills employers demand through responsive workforce development. The Skills for Scotland Strategy and its subsequent refresh in 2010 encourages the integration of employment and skills ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This 2011 report examines the current state of careers services for young people in ENGLAND. It describes some of significant negative effects at local and educational institutional levels of recent changes in government policy concerning such services and of government funding cutbacks for those services. It raises implications for government, ... Read More
August 29, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This report prepared by the Centre for Educational Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, describes a trial of possible measures of young people’s career self management skills and decision-making. The research considered pupils’ use of self-help services, in particular career development websites, and the impact of these websites on pupils’ ... Read More
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Written in 2007 by Peter Tatham and Joyce Johnston, this report commissioned by the Tasmanian Department of Education, reviews the implementation of a pathways planning support programme for young Tasmanians in their post-school/compulsory education transitions. The aim of this support was to help young people plan, prepare, and make informed ... Read More
April 13, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This study, published in December 2010, was commissioned by the Departments of Education and of Business and Innovation of the State of Victoria, Australia. Victoria has a population of 5.5 million inhabitants living mainly in urban areas. The focus of the study was the effectiveness of career guidance provision for young people in ... Read More
April 4, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This publication (2008) written for the CfBT by Dr Deirdre Hughes is situated in UK policy aims of increasing the participation of young people in further education and training in the UK with specific targeted increases for years 2013 and 2015. In particular the publication examines how the impact of information, advice ... Read More
September 7, 2010Tibor Kovacs


While the context and content of this paper sit firmly within the expressed political positions of the three main UK political parties during the present year, 2010, Section 3 of the report demonstrates that career services and counselling support can and do make a difference in terms of learning outcomes ... Read More
September 5, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This report (2004) by Chris T King and Sarah Looney of the Ray Marshall Centre of UTA contains a discussion of 30 workforce development performance measures generated by several US states for 7 areas of interest to policy and program leaders and rated by them for usefulness. The seven areas are: outcomes ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This policy brief (2005) by Sarah Looney and Chris T King provides backround to the movement to develop a standard set of performance measures for publicly funded programmes that comprise the US workforce development system. It also reviews two prominent US proposals: common measures proposed by the Office of Management ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This is a recently signed agreement between the Australian federal government and the States and Territories of Australia. It is designed to address the objectives of the National Education Agreement and the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development already signed by the same parties. The new agreement covers the engagement ... Read More
July 28, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This Working Pâper by Bert Clough of Unionlearn, an organisation established by the Trades Union Congress in the UK, provides a historic review of the government skills strategy in the UK and of the partnership response of the trade union movement. It describes the rise of the Union Learning Representative ... Read More
July 28, 2009Tibor Kovacs


The Climbing Frame is an electronic tool developed by Unionlearn, an organisation established by the Trades Union Congress in the UK to help Union Learning Representatives to promote lifelong learning in the workplace and to assist members to access learning opportunities. The Matrix Standard is a unique quality standard to support ... Read More
July 28, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This 2008 report describes some of the definitional, conceptual and historical foundations of the concept of social inclusion. It summarises the strengths and limitations of Australian and international approaches to the topic so far, and sketches some of the scope of exclusion in terms of locational disadvantage, intergenerational disadvantage, children ... Read More
May 28, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Looking at Guidance is a report of the Guidance Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Science, Ireland. It consists of an analysis the findings of fifty-five reports on inspections of Guidance in second-level schools carried out from September 2006 to May 2007. The report comments on the quality of provision ... Read More
May 27, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is an example of a ministry inspection of the provision of career guidance of one second-level school in Ireland. It presents the findings of the evaluation and makes recommendations for the further development of guidance provision in the school. It shows the nature and condition of the linkages between ... Read More
May 27, 2009Tibor Kovacs


The ministers for VET of the European Union , the European Social Partners and the European Commission met in Bordeaux, France under the French Presidency of the EU in 2008 to review priorities and strategies in European cooperation in VET. The outcome of their discussions is known as the Bordeaux ... Read More
May 18, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Recommendation 195 concerning human resource development - education, training and lifelong learning - has 11 chapters including: development and implementation of education and training policies education and pre-employment training development of competencies training for decent work and social inclusion framework for the recognition and certification of skills training roviders career guidance and training support research international and technical cooperation. Members ... Read More
May 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This article written by Tibor Bors Borbely provides the background to the present offer of guidance services in compulsory education and vocational education and training in Hungary. It describes the challenges facing the system and current developments. Read more
May 12, 2009Tibor Kovacs


In the current economic climate, it is essential that graduates are prepared to enter the workplace, possessing key employability skills which will enable them to compete in today's job market. Universities and employers both have an important role to play in providing work placements, internships and opportunities which can assist ... Read More
May 8, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Funded by CfBT Education Trust, this research examined the impact on career guidance provision for young people of new arrangements for budget and management responsibilities by all local authorities in England since such changes came into effect in April 2008. The authors concluded that there is a need for a stronger ... Read More
May 4, 2009Tibor Kovacs


School dropout prevention continues to exercise the mind of policy makers in many countries. The European Ministers of Education (2003), for example, established several reform targets for education systems in Europe for the year 2010 including increased participation in the upper end of second level schooling and the reduction of non-completion rates. ... Read More
April 17, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Arrimer les études et le travail : l’engagement de l’Alberta en matière de développement de carrière établit des liens plus solides entre l’éducation et le travail, et fournit un accès plus coordonné aux programmes de formation professionnelle et d’emploi, ainsi qu’aux services dans un marché du travail constamment en évolution. Arrimer ... Read More
April 16, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Given the increasing policy importance being paid to the development of the skills to manage one's career, learning and work pathways in a lifelong learning context(Council of European Ministers of Education, 2008), this Australian publication is very timely to provide guidance on what exactly these skills look like. A joint ... Read More
April 16, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This brochure outlines how the provincial ministries in Alberta: Education, Advanced Education and Technology, and Employment and Immigration are working together in hte Connecting Learning and Work strategy to support the career development of Albertans from kindergarten through grade 12, post-secondary, and the workplace. It defines the outcomes, priority actions ... Read More
April 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is a joint strategy and implementation plan for career guidance services in Northern Ireland of two government ministries/ the Department of Education and the Department for Employment and Learning. Based on extensive consultation exercises on its proposals of 2007, the document outlines a new comprehensive strategy for the delivery ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the German translation of the Council of Education Ministers' Resolution (2008) on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. It defines 4 key axes of action for the reform of guidance services in Member States: Förderung der Fähigkeit zur Planung der beruflichen Laufbahn in jedem Lebensabschnitt; Erleichterung des Zugangs aller Bürger ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the Danish translation of the European Council of Education Ministers' Resolution (2008) on better integrating lifelong guidance in strategies for lifelong learning. The Resolution defined four key areas/axes to guide national reforms of policies and systems: fremme af evnen til selv at orientere sig gennem hele livet lettelse af adgangen ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This November 2008 Resolution of the EU Council of Ministers is an instrument to assist Member States to implement reform of career guidance services within their national strategies for lifelong learning. It highlights four areas for reform: Encouraging the acquisition of career management skills Facilitating access to guidance services by all sections ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Le Conseil des ministres d'éducation de l'Union européenne ont adoptés cette Résolution en novembre 2008 afin de aider les états membres a réformer leur politiques, systémés et pratiques de l'orientation tout au long de la vie et de donner un soutien communtaire au travail de la European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). La ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


El Consejo de la Union Europea de noviembre de 2008 invita los estados miembros a aplicar los siguientes principes rectores: favorecer la adquisicion permanente de capacidades de orientacion facilitar el acceso de todos los ciudadanos a los servicios de orientacion desarrolar la garantia de calidad de los servicios de orientacion fomentar la coordinacion y ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


O Conselho da Uniao Europeia de Novembro de 2008 convidam os estados-membros a: favorecer a aquisicao da capacidade de orientacao ao longo da vida facilitar o acesso de todos os cidados aos servicos de orientacao desenvolve a garantia de qualidade dos sericos de orientacao incentivar a coordenacao e cooperacao dos diversos intervenientes a nivel ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This Report was presented by Deputy Guégot to the French National Assembly in December 2008. It examined: problems in initial and continuing training supply: quality, transparency, funding, governance inequalities for young people and adults in accessing training difficulties in career guidance provision to support youth and adult participation in training. It presents 16 propositions ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


AFPA is the state institution in France charged with the vocational training of adults. It is unique in Europe and beyond in that it provides a professional career guidance service to trainees prior to course entry, during training and at exit. AFPA's course completion and qualifications rates are very impressive ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This publication (2007) of the Department for Schools, Children and Families of the United Kingdom sets out a framework for the planning, managing and reviewing of information, advice and guidance services for young people aged 11 to 19 years. The 12 standards were developed through a lengthy consultation process and their operation ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs


The acquisition and development of career management skills has become an EU policy priority in the field of education and training as evidenced in the Council of Education Ministers' Resolutions on lifelong guidance (2004, 2008). This atttached extract from the UK's Qualifications and Curriculum Authority provided by outlines the -learning objectives -possible teaching activities -learning outcomes for ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This prospectus is a summary of government plans for England to create an adult advancement and careers service by Autumn 2010. The service will combine skills and training advice with practical guidance on how to overcome the full range of barriers people face in getting on in life. The service linked to ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This study, commissioned by the Educational Guidance Service for Adults (EGSA) in Northern Ireland (NI), attempts to capture the current return to the economy of the investment in career/educational guidance services provided to the adult population by EGSA. This organisation had been in existence in Northern Ireland for 40 years. ... Read More
November 13, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This 2008 report was produced by the Australian Council for Educational Research for the Department for Education, Science and Training. It examined the participation of pupils in career guidance activities in upper secondary school and of the perceived usefulness of such activities to pupils. In overall terms, the individual career ... Read More
November 4, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This report undertaken by NICEC researchers examines the public policy context in which workforce career development fits. It describes career practices of employers, trade unions, chambers of commerce, outplacement/coaching agencies, self-help and peer support, and specialised sources of information and expertise. It outlines the role of public policy and of ... Read More
September 30, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This research was undertaken in 2006/7 by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research on behalf of the Ministry of Education. The overall aim of this research is to contribute insight that will guide and support decisions about the direction, focus, and resourcing of careers education in New Zealand schools. ... Read More
May 6, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This is the first major report from the Pathways and Prospects research study about pathway and career-related experiences and perspectives of young people after leaving school. Undertaken by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research, it investigates how young people make decisions about their careers and working life, including any ... Read More
May 6, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This expert paper was prepared by André Tricot as part of the OECD international review of policies for career guidance. It outlines seven characteristics/criteria of good occupational information and 10 ways to improve occupational information design. He concludes on the importance of a pedagogical approach to occupational information design, including ... Read More
February 14, 2008Tibor Kovacs


Ce document était préparé a la demande de la CE et de l'OCDE pour un examen international des politiques de l'orientation professionnelle. Pour améliorer l’information sur les métiers, il faut être capable de définir ce qu’est une information et ce qu’est une bonne information. Il faut ensuite examiner les spécificités ... Read More
February 14, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This report by the Career Guidance Taskforce of Malta (Manwel Debono, Stephen Camilleri, Joseph Galea, and Davianne Gravina) is intended to relaunch career guidance within the Malta compulsory education system by clarifying the role of career guidance, making recommendations on establishing an adequate career guidance infrastructure, and describing how career ... Read More
December 18, 2007Tibor Kovacs


The role of career guidance in supporting continuing vocational training and formal adult learning has received little attention in both research and publications. The terms "career guidance" are rarely associated with such activity though elements of information, advice, guidance, and career counselling are integral parts of efficient investment in such ... Read More
October 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs