Category: Older adults


  The International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) have teamed up to enhance career guidance on a global scale. This collaboration will particularly benefit member communities by shedding light on the counselling services provided by Public Employment Services. With ICCDPP championing ... Read More
April 29, 2024John McCarthy


Canada is one of many countries where the career guidance sector is unregulated and not organized at a national level, with no universal application of consistent job titles, sector member definitions, or sector data tracking systems. Policymakers, employers, and the public know very little about the sector. Provincial and territorial ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


SUPPORTING EMPLOYABILITY AND POVERTY REDUCTION Among the many challenges facing career guidance policies, systems, and practices are those of showing proof that career guidance has a very positive effect on people's lives in concrete terms such as obtaining employment and improving their socio-economic circumstances. Canada provides us with two recent evidenced-based ... Read More
February 21, 2024John McCarthy


Public Employment Services (PES) play a critical role in active labour market policies, helping to match jobseekers with job opportunities, and supporting job changers. Matching is not a straight forward activity. The skills demanded by employers e.g. in emerging jobs, may not be those held by jobseekers. Moreover, jobseekers are ... Read More
January 23, 2024John McCarthy


Career guidance provision for adults has long been recognised as the weakest link in the chain in lifelong guidance careers services and systems in most countries. This is paradoxal as we spend most of our lives in adulthood, experiencing multiple transitions in work and life roles, and trying to balance ... Read More
September 8, 2023John McCarthy


JOINT STATEMENT OF IAG (2023) This welcome statement from seven relevant international organisations (OECD, WB, EC, CEDEFOP, ETF, ILO, UNESCO) sets out the benefits to workers, employers, economies, and societies of investing in career guidance provision for workers. Using an ILO definition of worker, it categorises workers into several groups: formally employed, ... Read More
July 20, 2023John McCarthy


This article describes a qualitative study of the experiences, understandings, and conceptions of lifelong guidance systems of a sample of career experts based in different work settings, and mainly in European countries. It aims to elucidate how such systems develop and to identify features of effective systems and of their future ... Read More
April 30, 2023John McCarthy


FOR NEETS, EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS, AND STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES AN EMPOWERMENT BASED APPROACH "Nothing succeeds like observed success" is a phrase that I learned from my professor of applied psychology back in the 1970s! These words came to mind again in recent interactions with Pascal Chaumette, the director of ID6, a ... Read More
March 29, 2023John McCarthy


Jens Bjornavold worked for many years at CEDEFOP as a lead international expert on the interrelationships between education, training, and the labour market, the changing nature and role of vocational education and training, the role of learning outcomes and competences in reforming education and training policies, and the continuous development ... Read More
January 28, 2023John McCarthy


The National Guidance Forum of Germany aims to promote the professional delivery of guidance in education, vocational training and employment sectors in Germany, to give stimulation for the (further)development of guidance services which meet the different needs of the users, to develop guidelines for quality and quality assurance of services and practices, and ... Read More
November 1, 2022John McCarthy


هناك العديد من الأمور التي يفهمها الأسكتلنديون تماماً على مستوى السياسات: أهمية انخراط الشباب بين 16 و24 سنة بالتعلم والأنشطة الأخرى المُنتجة اجتماعياً، والحاجة الى تأمين دعم إضافي للتعليم المهني للشباب لجعلهم قادرين على تخطيط وتصور مستقبلهم في العمل والمجتمع، والحاجة الدائمة لمراجعة وتعديل سياسات وأنظمة الخدمات المهنية بالتشاور مع أصحاب ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


تملك فنلندا واحداً من أفضل موارد أنظمة التوجيه المهني المدرسي حول العالم، حيث يُعتبر التعليم المهني جزءاً متكاملاً وإلزامياً من المنهج المدرسي، وتبلغ نسبة الطالب الى ممارس توجيه مهني المدرسي 350:1. بالتالي، من الطبيعي ان تملك مؤسسات التعليم العالي والمستمر في فنلندا (بما في ذلك التعليم والتدريب التقني والمهني TVET) معدلات ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


USEFUL LINKS AND TOOLS FOR WORKING WITH REFUGEES EU Skills Profile for Third Country Nationals This tool is intended for persons and organisations in the EU who work with refugees. It helps to map the skills, qualifications and work experiences of third country nationals and to give them personalised advice on further steps, e.g., a ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


TRANSFORMING CAREERS SUPPORT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Northern Ireland, with a population of 1.9 million is located on the island of Ireland and forms an integral political part "home country" of the United Kingdom for over 100 years. It also currently benefits from being part of the EU's Single Market, ... Read More
June 23, 2022John McCarthy


This handbook seeks to provide a state-of-the-art reference point for the field of career development. The handbook is divided into three sections. The first section explores the economic, educational, and public policy contexts within which careers are enacted. The second section explores the rich conceptual landscape of career theory. The ... Read More
June 15, 2021John McCarthy


March 15, 2021John McCarthy


March 15, 2021John McCarthy


JOINT RESEARCH REPORT: ICCDPP, OECD, UNESCO, ILO, EC, CEDEFOP, ETF  This report, recently published through CEDEFOP, captures changes in career guidance policies, systems and practices arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, as observed across 93 countries globally between the end of June and the beginning of August 2020.The research findings show that career ... Read More
January 5, 2021John McCarthy


CEDEFOP has just launched a call for papers for a reference publication on the monitoring and evaluation of career guidance systems and services for adults, entitled ‘Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services’ which can be downloaded here: Contributions will be used for developing a ... Read More
December 14, 2020John McCarthy


The Corona virus pandemic is not just a medical crisis, but a social and economic one too, says ILO Director-General Guy Ryder. If our response is to be effective it must take into account all these factors, and be delivered in a co-ordinated, global way. In particular, it must answer ... Read More
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


This note offers the International Labour Organisation's preliminary assessment concerning the possible impacts of COVID-19 on the world of work and proposes a range of policy options to mitigate these impacts and facilitate strong and fast recovery.
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


Four international organisations, OECD, ILO, UNESCO, and the European Commission, and two agencies (ETF, CEDEFOP) of one of these (European Commission) have just issued a first joint statement encouraging governments to invest in career guidance. The 12-page document describes career guidance, its importance for young people and adults in the present ... Read More
January 9, 2020John McCarthy


Very interesting policy implementation evaluation study by CEREQ, a French research agency of the ministries of education and employment. The study examines the effects of the devolution of responsibility for career guidance to the regions, in particular the offer and legal entitlement of adults to career counselling. Factors such ... Read More
December 1, 2019John McCarthy


La question de savoir comment les gouvernements peuvent aider les citoyens à construire des carrières épanouissantes a été au centre du neuvième Symposium international sur le développement de carrière et les politiques publiques, qui s'est tenu à Tromsø, Norvège, du 17 au 20 juin 2019.Au cours du Symposium, des représentants ... Read More
October 31, 2019John McCarthy


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's science and knowledge service which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to European Union policy. It has published a series of working papers on the links between labour, education, and technology in ... Read More
October 31, 2019John McCarthy


Virtual assistant, you-tuber, app-developer.There are jobs that 20 years ago were not imaginable.Other jobs have almost disappeared. This report is the work of The Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service, which employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support ... Read More
October 31, 2019John McCarthy


Profesionales de la orientación académica y profesional de 33 países se reúnen en el International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy para reflexionar sobre los retos de esta disciplina e identificar posibles mejoras desde las políticas públicas. ¿Cómo pueden los gobiernos ayudar a las personas a construir carreras profesionales más ... Read More
July 2, 2019John McCarthy


How governments can support citizens to build fulfilling careers was the focus of the ninth International Symposium for Career Development and Public Policy, held in Tromsø, Norway on 17th-20th June 2019. During the Symposium representatives from 33 countries and from UNESCO, the OECD, European Commission, European Training Foundation and the ... Read More
June 28, 2019John McCarthy


We are pleased to bring to your attention the four synthesis papers arising from the 33 country papers prepared for the 9th International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy which will be held shortly in Tromso, Norway. They concern how policies and systems for career guidance support the public and ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


From Norway to Chile, from Syria to Sri Lanka, from France to Japan, how are policies and systems for career guidance supporting the public and employers to manage the structural and occupational changes occurring in the labour market and their social impact? The 33 countries participating in the 9th International Symposium ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


What can behavioural economics propose for better labour market policy interventions to assist newly unemployed persons to regain employment? Some suggestions are quite useful while others are more controversial! Read here! ​One challenge that unemployed persons face is identifying their own transferable skills and seeing such transferable skills presented in descriptions of other ... Read More
June 26, 2018John McCarthy


This post follows well on the last post entitled Changing Places! This Report, commissioned by the Centre for Better Ageing (UK) and undertaken by the Institute for Employment Studies (Brighton), presents the workplace and job-related factors that make employment fulfilling for older workers, offering insights into both the attitudes of older ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Why is there a growth in the percentage of older workers in the workforce in your country? New pension requirements? Skills shortages? Removal of age discrimination? All of the above? Other? Do you have policy responsibility and/or interest for the development and retention of older workers engaged in arduous work (work ... Read More
February 27, 2017John McCarthy


Then read this article from today's New York Times!
January 4, 2017John McCarthy


EMPLOYABILITY? WHAT IS IT? WHO DEFINES IT? A RESEARCH REPORT FROM THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF PERSONNEL AND DEVELOPMENT (CIPD) CIPD is the professional body for Human Resources (HR) and People Development staff employed in the private and public sectors worldwide.  Its goals include promoting better work and working lives and working practices that ... Read More
September 15, 2016John McCarthy


There are several higher education institutions in Ireland that provide training programmes for guidance practitioners, particularly for practitioners who work in schools and in the national adult educational guidance initiative. Such practitioners are employed through public funding from the Department of Education and Skills. In order to bring some coherence ... Read More
March 15, 2016John McCarthy


These EU Guidelines, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) provide an agreed reference framework on policies and systems for lifelong guidance across EU Member States. They aim to assist policy makers and policy developers to reflect in a systematic way on existing career guidance services and programmes ... Read More
December 11, 2015John McCarthy


This Resource Kit, developed by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), was designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders in the European Union to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from ... Read More
May 23, 2015John McCarthy


While not an expert paper on career guidance information, this is an interesting informational article (2008) that compares the US and Japan in terms of challenges facing the economy and the workforce, challenges for particular work groups in certain economic sectors, and job seeking support systems including careers information. Read more
September 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


The employment and skills systems need to work together to support individuals into employment with the skills to progress, and in turn, to provide the skills employers demand through responsive workforce development. The Skills for Scotland Strategy and its subsequent refresh in 2010 encourages the integration of employment and skills ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This report (2004) by Chris T King and Sarah Looney of the Ray Marshall Centre of UTA contains a discussion of 30 workforce development performance measures generated by several US states for 7 areas of interest to policy and program leaders and rated by them for usefulness. The seven areas are: outcomes ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This policy brief (2005) by Sarah Looney and Chris T King provides backround to the movement to develop a standard set of performance measures for publicly funded programmes that comprise the US workforce development system. It also reviews two prominent US proposals: common measures proposed by the Office of Management ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


The ministers for VET of the European Union , the European Social Partners and the European Commission met in Bordeaux, France under the French Presidency of the EU in 2008 to review priorities and strategies in European cooperation in VET. The outcome of their discussions is known as the Bordeaux ... Read More
May 18, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Recommendation 195 concerning human resource development - education, training and lifelong learning - has 11 chapters including: development and implementation of education and training policies education and pre-employment training development of competencies training for decent work and social inclusion framework for the recognition and certification of skills training roviders career guidance and training support research international and technical cooperation. Members ... Read More
May 15, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Given the increasing policy importance being paid to the development of the skills to manage one's career, learning and work pathways in a lifelong learning context(Council of European Ministers of Education, 2008), this Australian publication is very timely to provide guidance on what exactly these skills look like. A joint ... Read More
April 16, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is a joint strategy and implementation plan for career guidance services in Northern Ireland of two government ministries/ the Department of Education and the Department for Employment and Learning. Based on extensive consultation exercises on its proposals of 2007, the document outlines a new comprehensive strategy for the delivery ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the German translation of the Council of Education Ministers' Resolution (2008) on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. It defines 4 key axes of action for the reform of guidance services in Member States: Förderung der Fähigkeit zur Planung der beruflichen Laufbahn in jedem Lebensabschnitt; Erleichterung des Zugangs aller Bürger ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the Danish translation of the European Council of Education Ministers' Resolution (2008) on better integrating lifelong guidance in strategies for lifelong learning. The Resolution defined four key areas/axes to guide national reforms of policies and systems: fremme af evnen til selv at orientere sig gennem hele livet lettelse af adgangen ... Read More
February 10, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This November 2008 Resolution of the EU Council of Ministers is an instrument to assist Member States to implement reform of career guidance services within their national strategies for lifelong learning. It highlights four areas for reform: Encouraging the acquisition of career management skills Facilitating access to guidance services by all sections ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Le Conseil des ministres d'éducation de l'Union européenne ont adoptés cette Résolution en novembre 2008 afin de aider les états membres a réformer leur politiques, systémés et pratiques de l'orientation tout au long de la vie et de donner un soutien communtaire au travail de la European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN). La ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs