This is the Danish translation of the European Council of Education Ministers' Resolution (2008) on better integrating lifelong guidance in strategies for lifelong learning. The Resolution defined four key areas/axes to guide national reforms of policies and systems:
fremme af evnen til selv at orientere sig gennem hele livet
lettelse af adgangen ... Read More
Category: Disadvantaged groups
This November 2008 Resolution of the EU Council of Ministers is an instrument to assist Member States to implement reform of career guidance services within their national strategies for lifelong learning. It highlights four areas for reform:
Encouraging the acquisition of career management skills
Facilitating access to guidance services by all sections ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs
Le Conseil des ministres d'éducation de l'Union européenne ont adoptés cette Résolution en novembre 2008 afin de aider les états membres a réformer leur politiques, systémés et pratiques de l'orientation tout au long de la vie et de donner un soutien communtaire au travail de la European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN).
La ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs
El Consejo de la Union Europea de noviembre de 2008 invita los estados miembros a aplicar los siguientes principes rectores:
favorecer la adquisicion permanente de capacidades de orientacion
facilitar el acceso de todos los ciudadanos a los servicios de orientacion
desarrolar la garantia de calidad de los servicios de orientacion
fomentar la coordinacion y ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs
O Conselho da Uniao Europeia de Novembro de 2008 convidam os estados-membros a:
favorecer a aquisicao da capacidade de orientacao ao longo da vida
facilitar o acesso de todos os cidados aos servicos de orientacao
desenvolve a garantia de qualidade dos sericos de orientacao
incentivar a coordenacao e cooperacao dos diversos intervenientes a nivel ... Read More
February 5, 2009Tibor Kovacs
AFPA is the state institution in France charged with the vocational training of adults. It is unique in Europe and beyond in that it provides a professional career guidance service to trainees prior to course entry, during training and at exit. AFPA's course completion and qualifications rates are very impressive ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs
This literature review undertaken (2005)for the Higher Education Careers Services Unit in the UK by the Institute of Employment Research at the University of Warwick, examined career-related interventions and their impact on students' career related decisions, career learning and progression towards the labour market.
Although there is substantial literature in the ... Read More
August 24, 2007Tibor Kovacs
This report presents the results of the third and final stage of research commissioned by the New Zealand Department of Labour (DoL) to identify:
the reasons for the non-participation in paid employment of those aged 45 years and over;
the potential role of career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) in assisting that ... Read More
March 30, 2007Tibor Kovacs
Rapport Guégot: Conclusions Des Travaux De La Mission Sur La Formation Tout Au Long De La Vie