Category: Systems and Institutional Evaluation Reports


Canada is one of many countries where the career guidance sector is unregulated and not organized at a national level, with no universal application of consistent job titles, sector member definitions, or sector data tracking systems. Policymakers, employers, and the public know very little about the sector. Provincial and territorial ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


This is one of the best OECD publications on career guidance for a long time. It addresses how education systems can assist the education to work transitions of young people who experience barriers to successful transitions because of socioeconomic circumstances or gender (including sexual orientation and identity) or migrant status (including ... Read More
April 27, 2024John McCarthy


INNOVATION: CAREER EXPLORATION THROUGH THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM FOR STUDENTS AGED 15-16 YEARS The Department of Education in Ireland has a unique one-year school programme that bridges the gap between junior and senior cycle education, known as the Transition Year Programme (TYP). It represents a radical systems experiment whereby one whole year in the middle ... Read More
September 12, 2023John McCarthy


Career guidance provision for adults has long been recognised as the weakest link in the chain in lifelong guidance careers services and systems in most countries. This is paradoxal as we spend most of our lives in adulthood, experiencing multiple transitions in work and life roles, and trying to balance ... Read More
September 8, 2023John McCarthy


This article describes a qualitative study of the experiences, understandings, and conceptions of lifelong guidance systems of a sample of career experts based in different work settings, and mainly in European countries. It aims to elucidate how such systems develop and to identify features of effective systems and of their future ... Read More
April 30, 2023John McCarthy


THE ROLE OF CAREER GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING EU REVIEW 2022 This CEDEFOP report maps the existing career guidance and counselling policies and practices supporting learners at risk and early leavers from vocational education and training in the 27 EU countries plus the UK. It analyses the key characteristics of these policies and practices, identifies ... Read More
January 2, 2023John McCarthy


 ICCDPP, CEDEFOP, ILO, ETF, THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, UNESCO, AND OECD jointedly implemented a flash international survey between June and August 2020 on how career guidance services responded to the challenges posed by Covid-19. The survey inquired about the range of solutions adopted, especially digital, and the challenges faced by services, practitioners, ... Read More
March 23, 2021John McCarthy


If you missed this important seminar, you can see it here
March 15, 2021John McCarthy


THE FOLLOWING LINK WILL BRING YOU TO the webinar page where you can register to participate in the webinar!
February 16, 2021John McCarthy


LESSONS LEARNED (OECD) FROM THE 2008 GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Every crisis is a learning opportunity.So what did we learn from the effects of the last worldwide economic crisis, the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, on the lives and opportunities for young people?The OECD has just published some of the lessons of effective ... Read More
June 4, 2020John McCarthy


Very interesting policy implementation evaluation study by CEREQ, a French research agency of the ministries of education and employment. The study examines the effects of the devolution of responsibility for career guidance to the regions, in particular the offer and legal entitlement of adults to career counselling. Factors such ... Read More
December 1, 2019John McCarthy


From Norway to Chile, from Syria to Sri Lanka, from France to Japan, how are policies and systems for career guidance supporting the public and employers to manage the structural and occupational changes occurring in the labour market and their social impact? The 33 countries participating in the 9th International Symposium ... Read More
June 10, 2019John McCarthy


Australia, like many countries, struggles to have a national career system that is modern, fit for purpose, of quality, and provides equality of career support for all citizens, regardless of where in Australia they live. In 2017, the Department of Education and Training engaged a management consultancy firm to research ... Read More
June 26, 2018John McCarthy


This 2004 review covered 7 countries: Chile, Russia, Philippines, Poland, Romania, South Africa, and Turkey. The study sought to: to identify and describe the distinctive issues faced by developing and transition economies in forming effective policies in career guidance and counseling; to identify emerging examples of best practice, and suggest ... Read More
November 13, 2017John McCarthy


A 2017 Asian Development Bank consultant review of labour market information in Uzbekistan found that limited resources and information are available to assist youth and adults make informed career decisions. Existing resources include career orientation programs in Grades 8-9, student visits to Specialized Secondary Colleges, and some Colleges have individual web ... Read More
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


The primary goal of the International Labour Organization (ILO), a specialised agency of United Nations, is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. As part of its mission to promote social justice and internationally recognized human ... Read More
August 12, 2016John McCarthy


The National Audit Office, Finland, has just issued its report on the state and quality of the local cooperation network of guidance services as well as the activities of the steering ministries (Education and Culture; Employment and Economy) in reinforcing the prerequisites for guidance services. The report addresses: Clarifying the contents of ... Read More
July 3, 2015John McCarthy


The employment and skills systems need to work together to support individuals into employment with the skills to progress, and in turn, to provide the skills employers demand through responsive workforce development. The Skills for Scotland Strategy and its subsequent refresh in 2010 encourages the integration of employment and skills ... Read More
August 30, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This report prepared by the Centre for Educational Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, describes a trial of possible measures of young people’s career self management skills and decision-making. The research considered pupils’ use of self-help services, in particular career development websites, and the impact of these websites on pupils’ ... Read More
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This report prepared by the Centre for Educational Sociology at the University of  Edinburgh, describes a trial of possible measures of young people’s career self management skills and decision-making. The research considered pupils’ use of self-help services, in particular career development websites, and the impact of these websites on pupils’ career related learning and ... Read More
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Written in 2007 by Peter Tatham and Joyce Johnston, this report commissioned by the Tasmanian Department of Education, reviews the implementation of a pathways planning support programme for young Tasmanians in their post-school/compulsory education transitions. The aim of this support was to help young people plan, prepare, and make informed ... Read More
April 13, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This paper was prepared in 2010 for the Career Development Services work group of the Forum for Labour Market Ministers. It provides a snapshot of current practice in quality assurance in Canada among government funded career and employment agencies, third party providers contracted by government, and large community based service ... Read More
April 7, 2011Tibor Kovacs


Looking at Guidance is a report of the Guidance Inspectorate of the Department of Education and Science, Ireland. It consists of an analysis the findings of fifty-five reports on inspections of Guidance in second-level schools carried out from September 2006 to May 2007. The report comments on the quality of provision ... Read More
May 27, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is an example of a ministry inspection of the provision of career guidance of one second-level school in Ireland. It presents the findings of the evaluation and makes recommendations for the further development of guidance provision in the school. It shows the nature and condition of the linkages between ... Read More
May 27, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the contribution of ESTYN, Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales, to a review of careers services undertaken in the context of the Welsh Assembly Government's Action Plan "Skills that Work for Wales". The review was to determine how Careers Wales was in a position to ... Read More
May 21, 2009Tibor Kovacs


In the current economic climate, it is essential that graduates are prepared to enter the workplace, possessing key employability skills which will enable them to compete in today's job market. Universities and employers both have an important role to play in providing work placements, internships and opportunities which can assist ... Read More
May 8, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This report provides information and early findings on a telephone guidance pilot project in New Zealand that targeted young people aged 12 to 29 years of age. It forms part of a larger project testing new ways of making careers information and guidance available to this age group. The findings ... Read More
January 22, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is a good example of a one page briefing paper giving highlights of the evaluation study of a career guidance telephone service pilot project of Careers Service New Zealand Read more
January 22, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This is the full external evaluation report of the career guidance telephone pilot evaluation tested by New Zealand Careers Service with young people aged 12 to 29 years of age. It identifies the advantages for the user and the challenges for an experienced guidance practitioner. Read more
January 22, 2009Tibor Kovacs


This study, commissioned by the Educational Guidance Service for Adults (EGSA) in Northern Ireland (NI), attempts to capture the current return to the economy of the investment in career/educational guidance services provided to the adult population by EGSA. This organisation had been in existence in Northern Ireland for 40 years. ... Read More
November 13, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This 2008 report was produced by the Australian Council for Educational Research for the Department for Education, Science and Training. It examined the participation of pupils in career guidance activities in upper secondary school and of the perceived usefulness of such activities to pupils. In overall terms, the individual career ... Read More
November 4, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This report has been commissioned by the South Africa Qualifications Authority. It reports on navigational tools available to learners, workers, work-seekers in South Africa and to those helping them construct work and study paths for sustainable and meaningful livelihoods. The landscape of careers guidance in South Africa comprises many players, diverse and ... Read More
November 4, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This research was undertaken in 2006/7 by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research on behalf of the Ministry of Education. The overall aim of this research is to contribute insight that will guide and support decisions about the direction, focus, and resourcing of careers education in New Zealand schools. ... Read More
May 6, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This study was commissioned by the National Guidance Forum of Ireland in 2006 to ascertain the views and experiences of citizens on their experiences of the guidance services that were available to them. Such information as gathered from users and potential users informed the recommendations of the National Guidance Forum ... Read More
October 15, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This is a Research Report, RR833, published by the Department of Education and Skills in the United Kingdom. The research was undertaken as part of a government review of advice, information and guidance services for adults. It specifically sought to evaluate a trial extension of Ufi/learndirect telephone guidance service for adults to ... Read More
March 30, 2007Tibor Kovacs