Category: Newsletters and Journal Articles


  The International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy and the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) have teamed up to enhance career guidance on a global scale. This collaboration will particularly benefit member communities by shedding light on the counselling services provided by Public Employment Services. With ICCDPP championing ... Read More
April 29, 2024John McCarthy


SUPPORTING EMPLOYABILITY AND POVERTY REDUCTION Among the many challenges facing career guidance policies, systems, and practices are those of showing proof that career guidance has a very positive effect on people's lives in concrete terms such as obtaining employment and improving their socio-economic circumstances. Canada provides us with two recent evidenced-based ... Read More
February 21, 2024John McCarthy


In 2009, CEDEFOP undertook landmark research Professionalising Career Guidance into the roles of career practitioners in EU Member States and into their initial and continuing training and qualifications. Based on the research findings, CEDEFOP proposed a competence framework for career practitioners while recognising that career practitioner roles were not homogenous between ... Read More
June 24, 2022John McCarthy


The conference organisers are inviting submissions – by 14 July 2021 - from practitioners and researchers on how schools and communities can best prepare young people to succeed in work.For further details, please see the Call for Papers for practitioners and researchers.To submit a practice paper, sign up here and for submitting a research paper, please sign up here.Proposals ... Read More
June 12, 2021John McCarthy


BACK TO BASICS  There has been lots of discussion over recent years about the relevance of different job classification systems and accompanying job descriptions. Some of this has spilled onto the provision of careers information.Job classification systems and accompanying job descriptions exist to provide objective and accurate definitions and evaluations of ... Read More
March 18, 2021John McCarthy


There are at least two categories of workers who continue to show up for work during this pandemic: those whose jobs do not permit them to work at a distance from home and who can't risk losing their jobs and income; and those whose jobs are critical to the functioning ... Read More
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


The Corona virus pandemic is not just a medical crisis, but a social and economic one too, says ILO Director-General Guy Ryder. If our response is to be effective it must take into account all these factors, and be delivered in a co-ordinated, global way. In particular, it must answer ... Read More
April 3, 2020John McCarthy


The previous post highlighted the OECD PISA 2018 findings on the impact of social class on the job expectations, career aspirations, and career planning of young people, in particular the negative impact for disadvantaged young people.This special report from the NYT (February 2020) gives a concrete example of how a Careers Centre ... Read More
March 23, 2020John McCarthy


WORKERS MOST AT RISK OF INFECTION The US Department of Labour has a comprehensive database of over 900 occupations that can be accessed online. The characteristics of different occupations are described such as physical proximity to others, exposure to infection, if and how often a telephone is used, and how often a job ... Read More
March 18, 2020John McCarthy


What can behavioural economics propose for better labour market policy interventions to assist newly unemployed persons to regain employment? Some suggestions are quite useful while others are more controversial! Read here! ​One challenge that unemployed persons face is identifying their own transferable skills and seeing such transferable skills presented in descriptions of other ... Read More
June 26, 2018John McCarthy


STEM has been a buzz word in education policies in many countries in the past decade, responding to perceived existing and projected labour market skills needs. This article shows that different sets of STEM skills needs are not in equal demand across the many job areas that STEM encompasses in ... Read More
November 9, 2017John McCarthy


An economic view of factors that contribute and not to job satisfaction!!!
November 8, 2017John McCarthy


Then read this article from today's New York Times!
January 4, 2017John McCarthy


See you all in Seoul! Please get on board our journey to Career Development: at the Crossroads of Relevance and Impact. The 8th ICCDPP International Symposium 2017 will be held in Seoul, Korea on 18 ~ 21 June 2017. Your country is most welcome to join us and share your thoughts and experiences ... Read More
September 22, 2016John McCarthy


ICCDPP BIESTRA Photo 2015 The 3th Biennial Meeting of Higher Education and the World of Work (BIESTRA 2015) was held 7th-9th October in Santiago, Chile. More than 150 representatives from 49 university and non-university institutions from Chile, México, Ecuador and Colombia participated.   The event was organized by Centro de Desarrollo Profesional of ... Read More
November 17, 2015John McCarthy


El 3er Encuentro Bienal de Educación Superior y Mundo del Trabajo (BIESTRA 2015) realizado entre los días 7 y 9 de octubre, en Santiago de Chile, reunió a más de 150 representantes de 49 instituciones de educación superior universitarias y técnicas de Chile, México, Colombia y Ecuador.   El evento organizado por ... Read More
November 17, 2015John McCarthy


ICCDPP Policy Points March 2015 FIN Welcome to the March 2015 issue of Policy Points. In this issue: FEATURE: International Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy, USA, 2015 World Region Reports: Africa, America (South), Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East International Career Guidance Policy Network International Training in Career Guidance and Public Policy International Organisation News ICCDPP News: ... Read More
April 3, 2015John McCarthy


A recent survey of 1,500 Canadians of all ages, commissioned by the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC), along with the Counselling Foundation of Canada, show a high regard for the value of professional career guidance services and a declining use of such services as one gets older. Access the ... Read More
March 17, 2015John McCarthy


CEDEFOP 012015 Newsletter Benefits of Career Guidance This recent Briefing Note prepared by CEDEFOP, January 2015, illustrates my means of case study summaries the economic, social and individual benefits of career guidance in difficult economic times.
February 2, 2015John McCarthy


This is Volume 2 Issue 2 of Career Developments, a newsletter issued by the Canadian Council of Career Development Associations. It features: Information about the Council of Associations Do Career Development Interventions and Services Work? A Provincial View from New Brunswick. Other issues may be accessed at: Read more
June 22, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This is the November 2008 Newsletter of the SAACDHE. It highlights the range of professional association activities taking place in higher education across South Africa. Its Guest Column  showcases a traditional African healthcare approach to therapeutic services for students in higher education in South Africa. Read more
January 30, 2009Tibor Kovacs