Category: Guides and Resources for Policy Makers and Delivery Managers


This concept note outlines a number of issues related to the successful implementation of policies on career management skills (CMS) in six sectoral areas: schools vocational education and training (VET) higher education adult education employment -social inclusion. It identifies factors that support policy implementation and factors that present challenges to policy implementation. Click to read more ELGPN CMS 2012
October 16, 2014John McCarthy


ELGPN Resource Kit_2011-12_web This Resource Kit, produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, is designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from practices in other ... Read More
October 16, 2014John McCarthy


CEDEFOP VALUING DIVERSITY 0914 en This recently published study (September 2014) by CEDEFOP looks at how EU countries support the economic integration of immigrants from third countries through the provision of careers information and guidance, enabling the immigrants to acquire career management skills (CMS). It examines this through the experiences of ... Read More
October 15, 2014John McCarthy


الأوربية والـ OECD. يهدف هذا الكتيب إلى إطلاع صناع السياسات في أي دولة على كيفية اتخاذ قرارات حول أفضل الاستراتيجيات لسياسات التوجيه المهني في بلادهم في قطاعات التعليم والتوظيف والمجتمع. يقسم الجزء الأساسي من الكتيب إلى أربع عشرة فكرة رئيسية للسياسات تم ترتيب كل منها في أربع محاور هي: + تطوير التوجيه المهني ... Read More
November 20, 2012Tibor Kovacs


The Framework, published by Skills Development Scotland in July 2012, describes career management skills set around 4 themes: Self - developing a sense of self in society Strengths - acknowledging and building on one's strengths and experiences Horizons - visualising futures, and planning and realising them Networks - developing support relationships and networks. The skills ... Read More
September 23, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This is a Report of a Working Group established by the Scottish Government to examine current practice and propose future strategic directions for the development of the career guidance workforce in Scotland. Published in July 2012, it describes role profiles in the guidance workforce and the types of qualifications that ... Read More
September 23, 2012Tibor Kovacs


This report produced for the UK Commission for Employment and Skills addresses how technology is reshaping the career support market and the implications of this for policy makers and for the funding and delivery of services. The career support market is defined as the conceptual space within which individuals who desire career support transact ... Read More
January 20, 2011Tibor Kovacs


This publication (2008) written for the CfBT by Dr Deirdre Hughes is situated in UK policy aims of increasing the participation of young people in further education and training in the UK with specific targeted increases for years 2013 and 2015. In particular the publication examines how the impact of information, advice ... Read More
September 7, 2010Tibor Kovacs


While the context and content of this paper sit firmly within the expressed political positions of the three main UK political parties during the present year, 2010, Section 3 of the report demonstrates that career services and counselling support can and do make a difference in terms of learning outcomes ... Read More
September 5, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This report (2004) by Chris T King and Sarah Looney of the Ray Marshall Centre of UTA contains a discussion of 30 workforce development performance measures generated by several US states for 7 areas of interest to policy and program leaders and rated by them for usefulness. The seven areas are: outcomes ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This policy brief (2005) by Sarah Looney and Chris T King provides backround to the movement to develop a standard set of performance measures for publicly funded programmes that comprise the US workforce development system. It also reviews two prominent US proposals: common measures proposed by the Office of Management ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This report was commissioned by the Careers Industry Council of Australia in 2006. It looked at possible areas of research on the economic benefits derived from the provision of career development services. The key benefit identified was better informed career decision-making that leads to improved labour market outcomes. The conclusions ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs


This 2008 report describes some of the definitional, conceptual and historical foundations of the concept of social inclusion. It summarises the strengths and limitations of Australian and international approaches to the topic so far, and sketches some of the scope of exclusion in terms of locational disadvantage, intergenerational disadvantage, children ... Read More
May 28, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Selon la directrice du CEDEFOP dans l'avant-propos de cette publication, la résolution du Conseil relative au renforcement des politiques, des systèmes et des pratiques dans le domaine de l’orientation tout au long de la vie en Europe (Conseil de l’Union européenne, 2004) invite les États membres à créer un environnement ... Read More
May 8, 2009Tibor Kovacs


La guida practica è un documento realizzato dalla Commissione Europea e dall'OCSE per rispondere alla continua evoluzione delle politiche dell'instruzione, della formazione e dell'occupazione. L'obiettivo della guida è di aiutare i decisori dei Paesi dell'OCSE e dell'Unione Europea ad elaborare politiche efficaci di orientamento professionale nel campo dell'instruzione, della formazione e ... Read More
May 6, 2009Tibor Kovacs


School dropout prevention continues to exercise the mind of policy makers in many countries. The European Ministers of Education (2003), for example, established several reform targets for education systems in Europe for the year 2010 including increased participation in the upper end of second level schooling and the reduction of non-completion rates. ... Read More
April 17, 2009Tibor Kovacs


Given the increasing policy importance being paid to the development of the skills to manage one's career, learning and work pathways in a lifelong learning context(Council of European Ministers of Education, 2008), this Australian publication is very timely to provide guidance on what exactly these skills look like. A joint ... Read More
April 16, 2009Tibor Kovacs


The acquisition and development of career management skills has become an EU policy priority in the field of education and training as evidenced in the Council of Education Ministers' Resolutions on lifelong guidance (2004, 2008). This atttached extract from the UK's Qualifications and Curriculum Authority provided by outlines the -learning objectives -possible teaching activities -learning outcomes for ... Read More
January 23, 2009Tibor Kovacs


The dual purpose of this ILO (International Labour Organisation) Handbook is: (1) to focus the attention of policy-makers and programme administrators in low- and middle-income countries upon the core issues in the reform of career guidance services in those countries; and (2) to provide programme planners and practitioners at the ... Read More
October 15, 2008Tibor Kovacs


El doble propósito de este OIT (Oficina Internacional de Trabajo) Manual es: (1) focalizar la atención hacia quienes formulan políticasy administran programas en países de bajos y medianos ingresos (PBMI) sobre los temas básicos de la reforma de los servicios de orientación profesional en dichos países; y (2) brindar a los ... Read More
October 15, 2008Tibor Kovacs


Malgré de nombreux exemples de bonnes pratiques, les services nationaux d'orientation professionnelle de nombreux pays présentent de grandes insuffisances. Cet ouvrage, publié conjointment par la Commission européenne (document de travail des services) et l'OCDE donne aux décideurs publics des outils pratiques pour s'attaquer à ces problémes et pour mettre en ... Read More
October 14, 2008Tibor Kovacs


This publication examines the policy context within which many European countries are establishing national committees or forums of policymakers, guidance association leaders, national delivery agencies, social partners and civil society to improve policies, systems and practices for lifelong guidance provision. It describes the tasks that such national forums undertake and how ... Read More
September 30, 2008Tibor Kovacs


Esta guía esta basada en estudios internacionales sobre políticas de orientación profesional llevados a cabo por la OCDE, por el Centro Europeo para el Desarrollo de la Formación Profesional, por la Fundación Europea para la Formación y por el Banco Mundial. Escrita con un lenguaje claro y sencillo, ofrece a ... Read More
August 6, 2008Tibor Kovacs


O guia fundamenta-se em revisões internacionais sobre políticas e práticas da Orientação, efectuadas pela OCDE, pelo Centro Europeu para o Desenvolvimento da Formação Profissional (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training - CEDEFOP), pela Fundação para a Formação Europeia (European Training Foundation - ETF) e pelo Banco Mundial. Numa ... Read More
August 6, 2008Tibor Kovacs


Coordination of policies and the use of resources at national, regional and local levels is a necessary condition for the development of lifelong guidance systems. Countries in Europe are developing many different types of mechanisms to improve such coordination and at different levels. Networks both formal and informal have high potential ... Read More
April 4, 2008Tibor Kovacs


Coordination of policies and the use of resources at national, regional and local levels is a necessary condition for the development of lifelong guidance systems. Countries in Europe are developing many different types of mechanisms to improve such coordination and at different levels. Networks both formal and informal have high potential ... Read More
April 4, 2008Tibor Kovacs


British Columbia finds itself at a crossroads concerning supply driven and demand driven careers and employment services according to a document prepared by the Social and Planning Research Council of British Columbia for ASPECT and for the British Columbia Career and Workforce Alliance. A booming economy has led to skills ... Read More
December 18, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This handbook was initiated by the European Commission in response to perceived weaknesses in strategic leadership in EU Member States in the country reviews of policies for career guidance undertaken by CEDEFOP, ETF and the OECD. Edited and published jointly by the EC and the OECD, the handbook addresses a broad range ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs


It's interesting to observe how the fiery battles between the Left and Right in the 20th century have been replaced today by more modest debates about public policy options. The grand ideologies associated with capitalism and socialism are still active and relevant as moral and intellectual irritants, but they are ... Read More
April 23, 2007Tibor Kovacs


This report was produced as part of the work activities of a European Union funded project entitled Developing National Forums for Guidance in Six Member States that concluded in November 2006. The issue of the role of the beneficiary of guidance services in the design, monitoring, and evaluation of such services was ... Read More
December 29, 2006Tibor Kovacs