This is an excellent Powerpoint presentation on lifelong guidance in Finland, created by representatives of two ministries (Ms Ulla-Jill Karlsson, Ministry of Education and Culture and Ms Anna Toni, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment), and presented recently online at a National Conference on Career Development in South Africa organised ... Read More
Category: Expert Papers
Glossaries are timebound and culturally bound compilations that enable communications within a field of of academic discipline, between professionals, and between professions and society. In the field of career guidance, glossaries have been developed by national associations of career practitioners to facilitate national and sectoral (education, training, employment, social) professional ... Read More
October 23, 2023John McCarthy
"Nothing succeeds like observed success" is a phrase that I learned from my professor of applied psychology back in the 1970s! These words came to mind again in recent interactions with Pascal Chaumette, the director of ID6, a ... Read More
March 29, 2023John McCarthy
This OECD expert paper, written by Andre Tricot, is almost 20 years old. But the principles it promotes for the development of careers information materials, are as relevant today as they were then. The English version of the paper is also to be found on this site.
March 15, 2021John McCarthy
‘Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services’
CEDEFOP has just launched a call for papers for a reference publication on the monitoring and evaluation of career guidance systems and services for adults, entitled ‘Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services’ which can be downloaded here:
Contributions will be used for developing a ... Read More
December 14, 2020John McCarthy
We are only at the beginning of a rapid period of transformation of our economy and society due to the convergence of many digital technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is central to this change and offers major opportunities to improve our lives. The recent developments in AI are the result ... Read More
February 12, 2020John McCarthy
This expert paper, commissioned by the OECD (2001) as part of its international review of career guidance, and written by international expert, Prof. Tony Watts, examines key issues for policy makers faced with the potential of ICT to transform career information and guidance services.
It explores
-how investment in ICT can enhance ... Read More
January 10, 2015John McCarthy
This guide, published in November 2014, synthesises the existing evidence on the impact of lifelong guidance on individuals, groups and society with reference to educational outcomes, economic and employment outcomes, and social outcomes. It suggests how policy-makers might want to make use of this evidence in social and economic policy development and how ... Read More
January 8, 2015John McCarthy
This guide, published in November 2014, synthesises the existing evidence on the impact of lifelong guidance on individuals, groups and society with reference to educational outcomes, economic and employment outcomes, and social outcomes. It suggests how policy-makers might want to make use of this evidence in social and economic policy development and how ... Read More
January 8, 2015John McCarthy
This guide, published in November 2014, synthesises the existing evidence on the impact of lifelong guidance on individuals, groups and society with reference to educational outcomes, economic and employment outcomes, and social outcomes. It suggests how policy-makers might want to make use of this evidence in social and economic policy development and ... Read More
January 8, 2015John McCarthy
This recently published research report was compiled by Miles Morgan for the Australian government in order to inform future government strategy on policies for career development. It consists of a review of national and international career development research as well as consultations with experts and with States and Territories personnel. ... Read More
September 24, 2012Tibor Kovacs
Ce document etait préparé pour l’examen des politiques en faveur des services d’information, d’orientation et de conseil a la demande de la Commission européenne et de l’OCDE et publie en 2002. Il présente une analyse comparative des qualifications et des formations des conseillers d’orientation, afin de faire apparaître les problèmes qui ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs
Ce document etait préparé en vue de l’Examen de l’OCDE sur les politiques d’orientation professionnelle à la demande conjointe de la Commission européenne et de l’OCDE et publie en 2002. Il traite les thèmes suivants:
De nouveaux besoins en matière d’information et d’orientation professionnelles
La demande d’information et d’orientation professionnelles : la valorisation d’une
marchandise ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs
Ce document etait préparé pour l’examen des politiques en faveur des services d’information, d’orientation et de conseil a la demande de la Commission européenne et de l’OCDE et publie en 2003. Le but était d’examiner différentes méthodes utilisées pour mesurer les résultats de la prestation du service d’information et d’orientation professionnelle, de ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs
This 2009 report, commissioned by CEDEFOP, presents the findings from a Europe-wide study with the following aims:
to review trends and patterns in training provision for career guidance practitioners;
to develop a common competence framework for career guidance practitioners in the European Union (EU).
Sections 1 to 4 review current training and qualification systems ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs
Im vorliegenden Bericht werden die Ergebnisse einer europaweiten Studie
vorgestellt, die zwei Ziele verfolgte:
Erfassung von Trends und Mustern in der Ausbildung von Laufbahnberatern;
Erarbeitung eines gemeinsamen Kompetenzrahmens für Laufbahnberater in der Europäischen Union (EU).
Die Abschnitte 1 bis 4 haben vorhandene Ausbildungs- und Qualifikationssysteme für Laufbahnberater in Europa zum Gegenstand. Untersucht werden die im ... Read More
May 15, 2012Tibor Kovacs
This report was commissioned by the Careers Industry Council of Australia in 2006. It looked at possible areas of research on the economic benefits derived from the provision of career development services. The key benefit identified was better informed career decision-making that leads to improved labour market outcomes. The conclusions ... Read More
August 24, 2010Tibor Kovacs
This expert paper was prepared by André Tricot as part of the OECD international review of policies for career guidance. It outlines seven characteristics/criteria of good occupational information and 10 ways to improve occupational information design. He concludes on the importance of a pedagogical approach to occupational information design, including ... Read More
February 14, 2008Tibor Kovacs
Ce document était préparé a la demande de la CE et de l'OCDE pour un examen international des politiques de l'orientation professionnelle. Pour améliorer l’information sur les métiers, il faut être capable de définir ce qu’est une information et ce qu’est une bonne information. Il faut ensuite examiner les spécificités ... Read More
February 14, 2008Tibor Kovacs
This expert paper was jointly commissioned by the OECD and the European Commission in 2001 as part of the OECD international review of policies for career guidance. It raises many questions on the existing training routes, on the pertinence of course content and methodology, on the lack of involvement and interest ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs
This is an expert paper commissioned by the OECD and the European Commission as part of the international review of policies for career guidance in 2002. The paper sets down 7 criteria by which occupational information should be assessed and suggests a pedagogic approach to career information learning, including how ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs
This expert paper was jointly commissioned by the EC and OECD as part of the international review of policies for career guidance initiated by the OECD in 2001. The author argues that while information may be necessary for career decision-making, it is not by itself sufficient. Rational decision making models ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs
Quality issues in careers guidance, counselling and information services are tackled from a range of different perspectives, related to economic, ethical, and/or effectiveness criteria. With selected examples mainly from the USA, Canada, and the EU Member States, this report highlights how quality is described and measured in terms of statements, ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs
This is an expert paper commissioned jointly by the EC and OECD for the international review of policies for career guidance initiated by the OECD in 2001. The author examines the demand for career guidance and the nature of supply and incentives to enhance both the quantity and the quality of supply ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs
This is an expert paper jointly commissioned by the EC and OECD as part of the international review of policies for career guidance initiated by the OECD in 2001. The paper considers the contextual issues that impinge on career guidance activities and their outcomes and considers the the types of ... Read More
September 17, 2007Tibor Kovacs