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The knowledge base for the site has two main sources:

  • documents, studies, reports, publications and news provided to the site by you the viewers and by other international contacts; and
  • proceedings from international symposia on career development and public policy.

  • Policy and Research Section

    This contains studies, reports and other publications sent to us by many countries. When you browse by TOPIC, the files are categorised mainly according to the sub-themes/table of contents of the European Commission and OECD joint publication Career guidance: a handbook for policy makers (2004).

    Symposia Section

    The papers and proceedings from the International Symposia are stored in the section Symposia. The most recent of these was hosted by Norway in 2019 which examined access, integration, and innovation in career development services. The previous symposia were held in Korea 2017 (career development - the crossroads of relevance and impact), USA 2015 (focusing on youth, building the talent pipeline), Hungary 2011 ( positioning of policies for career guidance within human resource development strategies in changing political, economic and social circumstances), New Zealand 2009 (key issues in policy development for career guidance-role of the citizen, culture, technology, evidence base), UK 2007 (career development, sustainable growth and social equity), and Australia 2006 ( career development and workforce development). Web references are also given there to papers and proceedings from the international symposia hosted by Canada in 1999 and 2001, to the OECD conference in Toronto 2003, and the pan-Canadian Symposium of 2004.

    Languages of the Website

    The main language of the web site at this point is English but we have documents on the site in the following languages: Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Hebrew, Hungarian, Danish, Finnish, and Slovak. In any of the sections we welcome relevant reports in their language of origin accompanied by an abstract in English and in the language of origin. In the Blogs, comments in all languages are welcome.

      The Centre was established in 2004 to promote policy sharing and learning internationally through making international knowledge and expertise available to policy makers, researchers and career development professionals. The OECD, the World Bank, the European Commission, international professional associations such as IAEVG, and officials of several individual countries, recognised from international policy reviews that links between policies for education, training, employment and social inclusion and career guidance services needed to be strengthened in many countries and regions worldwide. These international organisations supported the establishment of the Centre as a focal point to share good examples of national strategies, legislation, policies and policy evaluations for career guidance.


      The Centre’s main activities to date have been:

      • To provide information and advice on how to develop and improve national and regional policies and systems for career development services in the fields of education, training, employment and social inclusion
      • To develop an international knowledge base on policies and systems for lifelong career development services
      • To make this knowledge available internationally
      • To create learning links and partnerships between policy makers, researchers and expert sources
      • To support the organisation of international symposia on career development and public policy (Norway 2019, Korea 2017, USA 2015, Hungary 2011, New Zealand 2009, UK 2007, Australia 2006) and European Union Presidency conferences on education (France 2008, Finland 2006)

      The beneficiaries of these activities have been:

      • Ministry and education and employment officials, e.g. Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, USA,
      • International institutions and organisations e.g. UNESCO, OECD, International Labour Organisation, European Commission, European Training Foundation (ETF), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG), and the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA)
      • International networks, e.g. the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, the European Commission’s Expert Group on Lifelong Guidance, Euroguidance network, and European Union Learning Regions
      • National policy and systems co-ordination institutions/mechanisms, e.g. National Guidance Forum (Ireland), CINOP (Netherlands)
      • National institutions and agencies, e.g. National Centre for Guidance in Education (Ireland), Association Nationale pour la Formation Professionnelle des Adultes (France), Instituto de Orientacao Profissonal (Portugal), Institute for Adult Education (DIE) (Germany)
      • National professional associations, e.g. Institute of Career Guidance (UK), National Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance of Adults (UK), Australia Careers Service, Australian Association of Career Counsellors, Career Education Association of Victoria (Australia)
      • Partners in guidance projects funded by the European Union, e.g. European networks of national guidance forums


      Among the policy issues which the Centre has addressed are:

      • Developing national policies and systems, including co-ordination mechanisms for lifelong guidance provision
      • European lifelong guidance policy development
      • Developing guidelines for European policy and systems development for lifelong guidance
      • National reviews of policies for career guidance provision (e.g. Croatia, France)

      Themes which it has addressed include:

      • Workplace guidance
      • Career guidance and vocational training
      • The centrality of the user in lifelong guidance provision
      • Qualifications and training of guidance workers
      • Quality assurance for lifelong guidance provision
      • Broadening access to lifelong guidance provision
      • Career management competency development
      • Career guidance in higher education
      • Developing an evidence base for policy decision-making


      The Centre uses the following means to share international best practice, knowledge and expertise

      • Web site:
      • the Centre’s monthly newsletter
      • Publications in professional journals
      • Group presentations, panel discussions, workshops, keynote addresses
      • Face-to-face meetings, telephone, emails, webinars

      The Centre is currently supported by Department of Education, Denmark and the Canadian Career Development Foundation. Past funders include: Department for Education, Australia, Department of Education and Science, Ireland, Careers Scotland HIE, Learndirect, UK, KUDER Inc. USA, New Zealand Careers Services, and the National Career Development Association, USA.

      You are invited to get involved
      By posting your research and reports on the website,
      – or e-mailing to allow us to post them for you
      By sharing ideas
      – through on-line blogs on the ICCDPP website
      By funding the Centre and its activities
      – to deliver international support, to build international knowledge, and to access a network of policy experts