Careers And Labour Market Information In Ireland By The Expert Group On Future Skills Needs 2006
This well constructed study and report had several aims:
- To establish users’ preferences for and usage of different careers information types and sources
- To catalogue existing careers information resources
- To assess both guidance practitioners’ and the general public’s knowledge of labour market information
- To determine the best means to reach different population target groups
- To make recommendations for practical improvements in career and labour market information dissemination, particumarly from a user perspective.
The study was undertaken through a combination of desk and field research and involving quantitative and qualitative methods. Policy literature and good examples of practice from other countries were collected. Existing Irish resources were searched, catalogued, and appraised according to the criteria of (i) up to date, (ii) user friendly, (iii) comprehensiveness, and (iv) relevance. A matrix exercise, a statistical analysis, and focus group conversations were other parts of the methodology.
In general, there was very low awareness and usage of existing labour market information resources. Recommendations include the need for improved access to such information and the need to make such resources more user friendly.