This interesting and well researched review report of career guidance provision in Viet Nam covers all the bases that one would expect using the career guidance systems review model recently developed by the ILO. Thus, the legal instruments and their applications are well described as are the ministry roles and those of the social partners and civil society (NGOs). Given that the review model has been mainly derived from the experiences of developed countries, it is not surprising that the report unearths many gaps such as quality assurance, national coordination etc. that are really a stretch beyond expectations in countries where the concept of career guidance is mainly unknown and where the significant majority of the population lives in rural areas.
The OECD benchmarks for career guidance systems (2004) and the EU Guidelines (ELGPN, 2015) rightly refer to the need for countries to have a comprehensive and integrated careers information system and to its pedagogical role. Without such provision, a career guidance system, including careers education provision, would falter in any country. A careers information system requires institutional and organisational ownership and development; this is not sufficiently addressed in the report recommendations.
It would also be worthwhile to assess the role and influence of media on adults in Viet Nam, especially of radio and TV in government and other reach out to people living in rural areas, which could be capitalised on to educate parents.
Finally, given the high expectations on teachers to provide careers education, a review of the content and methodology of initial teacher training would offer opportunities to address such expectations.