The Evidence Base on Lifelong Guidance – A Guide to Key Findings for Effective Policy and Practice (Full Report)
This guide, published in November 2014, synthesises the existing evidence on the impact of lifelong guidance on individuals, groups and society with reference to educational outcomes, economic and employment outcomes, and social outcomes. It suggests how policy-makers might want to make use of this evidence in social and economic policy development and how they, in turn, can contribute to the development of this evidence. The guide draws together existing research findings and aims to present them in a way that is accessible to policy-makers. In order to do this, the main messages are summarised and illustrated with key examples drawn from the research results.
Produced by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN), the guide is aimed primarily at policy-makers in Europe, so European examples are used where possible. But it has been prepared in collaboration with the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy, and with the support of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, enabling it to include relevant studies conducted in Australia, Canada, the USA and other non-European countries. These are used where European examples cannot be found or to supplement these examples.
Links to Extended and Brief Summaries of the guide can also be found on the ICCDPP website. All versions are highly recommended reading for policy makers and developers, managers of career guidance services, leaders of guidance practitioner associations, and researchers.